Bentley Systems, Inc. Datasheets for Learning Management Systems (LMS)

Learning management systems (LMS) are software applications for delivering, tracking and managing training. They are used mainly by educational institutions and corporate training departments.
Learning Management Systems (LMS): Learn more

Product Name Notes
RAM Foundation provides structural engineers with flexibility, offering a multitude of foundation types including spread, continuous, and pile caps. Time saving and accurate modeling and revision tools are available for...
RAM Connection provides comprehensive analysis and design of virtually any connection type and the designs include the tedious seismic code provision requirements. Workflows are optimized with integration of 3D design...
As a systems integration platform it provides: Tight integration with document management solutions including ProjectWise and Documentum Full XML import/export support for repeatable exchange of information with other systems Web-enabled...
As part of the RAM Structural System, RAM Steel is a powerful, yet intuitive, fully integrated software application that empowers structural engineers to analyze, design, and create structural drawings of...
Bentley Electric capitalizes on Bentley’s GIS platform to address the facility management, modeling, and maintenance issues that electric utilities encounter in day-to-day operations. It combines the best of GIS and...
Bentley Expert Designer Communications improves the efficiency and throughput of infrastructure design by merging network design and work management in a single environment. Bentley Expert Designer Communications employs an architecture...
Bentley Expert Designer Gas improves the efficiency and throughput of distribution design by merging network design and work management in a single environment. Bentley Expert Designer Gas employs an architecture...
Bentley Expert Designer Water improves efficiency and throughput of distribution design by merging network design and work management in a single environment. Bentley Expert Designer Water employs an architecture that...
Bentley Water is a comprehensive geospatial engineering solution for municipal water networks design and management. A simple, yet comprehensive connectivity model consisting of valves, pipes, structures, water records and connections...
Civil Design and Engineering Software The Bentley InRoads family of civil engineering software is the central design solution on many major civil engineering and transportation projects. Powerful and versatile, InRoads...
Datasheets At-A-Glance Datasheets is an integrated module of the Process & Instrumentation Workgroup comprising of AutoPLANT P&ID. PlantSpace P&ID. Vision. Data Manager. Datasheets. Hook Ups. Instrumentation & Wiring. Datasheets offers...
Most Productive and Easy-to-Learn Tool OpenPlant Modeler V8i is a specification-driven modeling system that matches how a designer works. Using the highly intuitive MicroStation V8i user interface, already...
Power in One Package PowerCivil for North America enables users to design projects in a logical civil context. This is enhanced by tight integration of the various project disciplines. All...
ProjectWise StartPoint: Collaboration Made Simple ProjectWise StartPoint is an entry-level collaboration tool and is the result of a recent working initiative between Bentley and Microsoft to integrate ProjectWise with Microsoft...
promis•e provides everything you need for control system design and documentation. Fast schematic design Large electrical symbol library included Real time cross-referencing Logical error-checking Parts database Bills of Material Wire...
RAM Concept lets structural engineers model, analyze, and design virtually any cast-in-place geometry, no matter how complex. Efficiency and quality control are realized through the advanced analysis and design tools...
RAM Elements V8i (formerly RAM Advanse) provides quick, reliable tools for specific structural tasks. RAM Elements V8i is the only structural engineering software system that offers finite element...
RAM Frame, the finite element analysis component of the RAM Structural System, performs static and dynamic analysis of building systems subjected to lateral, dynamic, and gravity loads. RAM Frame is... is a comprehensive foundation design program which offers the ability to model complex or simple footings such as isolated footings, combined footings, strip footings, pile caps and mat foundations.
STAAD.Pro allows structural engineers to analyze and design virtually any type of structure through its flexible modeling environment, advanced features and fluent data collaboration. Flexible modeling is provided by a...
System Flexibility As the core software in the LARS Bridge family, LARS Bridge is complemented by a set of specialized modules that extend the rating functionality. Users are able to...
The RAM Structural System is a specialized engineering software tool for the complete analysis, design, and drafting of both steel and concrete buildings. It optimizes workflows through the creation of...
View, Analyze, and Augment Project Information Bentley Navigator V8i is the dynamic collaboration software used by infrastructure teams to interactively view, analyze, and augment project information. Bentley Navigator better...
Wave Load Module The wave load module calculates wave loads on structures using either stream function, Stokes 5th Order theory, AIRY theory, or a user defined grid wave. The program...
About Bentley GEOPAK Bentley GEOPAK is a family of integrated civil design and engineering software ideally suited to civil engineering and transportation projects of all types. Developed and supported by...
Accurately model every aspect of your stormwater system including rainfall, runoff, inlet capture and bypass, gravity and pressure piping, detention ponds, outlet structures, open channels, culverts, and more. Your choice...
Based on standard platforms, ProConcrete easily allows structural engineers, detailers, and fabricators to create 3D models for concrete structures. ProConcrete provides automatic creation of documentation, details and schedules. ProConcrete includes...
Based on standard platforms, ProStructures easily allows structural engineers, detailers and fabricators to create 3D models for both concrete and steel. ProStructures provides automatic creation of documentation, details and schedules.
Bentley and ESRI technology work together in highly productive workflows tailored to users’ needs via the ProjectWise Connector for ArcGIS. This product supports user-initiated or event-driven interoperability with ESRI ArcSDE...
Bentley Copper is an application for engineering, documenting and managing copper telephony networks. As part of Bentley's comprehensive communications solutions, Bentley Copper can be used standalone or with Bentley Fiber...
Bentley Descartes is the only imaging product that is truly integrated with MicroStation. With Bentley Descartes, it is possible to “Attach/View,” “Edit,” “Transform/Geo-Refer ence,” and “Process” all raster data in...
Bentley Drivers are stand-alone solutions specifically developed for printing complex engineering drawings and high-density raster files, providing you with options to create efficient, enterprise-wide printing. Bentley offers a variety of...
Bentley Expert Designer Electric improves efficiency and throughput of distribution design by merging network design and work management in a single environment. Bentley Expert Designer Electric employs an architecture that...
Bentley Facilities Inquirer is a powerful collaboration server that enables you to publish all facilities and asset-related data over the Internet. Bentley Facilities Inquirer enables you to increase the value...
Bentley Facilities Manager is a powerful Windows interface for authoring and maintaining all of your facilities-related information. Facilities Manager helps you turn facilities-related data at any level of complexity into...
Bentley Facilities Planner allows quick and easy access to information on the location and state of space and assets. It makes this information available on the fly, visualized in a...
Bentley Geospatial Server brings together information in spatial databases, drawings, business documents and other forms through a unique Federated Information Management approach. Information in enterprise databases, legacy and departmental systems,...
Bentley Hevacomp Mechanical CAD is used by building services engineers, HVAC professionals and other MEP professionals who want a comprehensive yet easy to learn tool for making engineering-quality building designs.
Bentley Hevacomp's lighting design programs are integrated so that lumen lighting, point to point calculations, glare, daylighting, uplighting and emergency lighting can be carried out on common room data from...
Bentley I/RAS B is a powerful tool for organizations that work with scanned raster data. A proven raster editor, it offers a complete set of tools to meet the needs...
Bentley Inside Plant allows you to define, configure, and place equipment in racks and floor plans that visually depict the precise layout of the facility. Floor plans can be created...
Bentley Instrumentation and Wiring is an intuitive and powerful process plant control systems design package. It is the ideal tool for creating project instrumentation loop diagrams, panel termination diagrams, motor...
Bentley Interference Manager is an application for the detection, review and management of component interferences in 3D models. It works with designs created in a wide range of commercial applications...
Bentley Location Data Manager Express (formerly TransDecisions LRSx) is a cost-effective software solution that enables transportation organizations to store, reference, manage and analyze location data stored in an Oracle® database.
Bentley OpenPlant Isometrics V8i manager is a new tool that provides management control capabilities to one of the most important deliverables from your plant design - the piping isometric.
Bentley PlantSpace Design Series provides a full range of intelligent 3D modeling applications for the engineering and design process of process plants and discrete manufacturing. Built on top of MicroStation,...
Bentley PlantSpace Design Series provides a full range of intelligent 3D modeling applications for the engineering and design process of process plants and discrete manufacturing. Built on top of MicroStation...
Bentley PlantSpace P&ID XM Edition is an application for drafting process and instrumentation diagrams (P&IDs) and process flow diagrams (PFDs). Bentley PlantSpace P&ID combines productive drafting with extensive review and...
Bentley ProjectWise solutions are ideal for managing and publishing AEC content in a collaborative work environment and offer a powerful extension for third-party enterprise content management (ECM) solutions. ProjectWise understands...
Bentley provides thousands of engineers with HEC software, documentation, and support for a variety of modeling tasks, from floodplain hydrology to river analysis to GIS integration. These important programs are...
Bentley Structural Modeler V8i is part of Bentley’s integrated suite of building information modeling (BIM) applications, which provide seamless integration between design, engineering, analysis, construction, and operations for the...
ConstructSim is a revolutionary program that optimizes your project through the planning, sequencing, execution and monitoring of construction activities from within a virtual plant model. ConstructSim links together project IT...
Design++ is a rule-based solution infrastructure for design and engineering automation that allows an application development team concentrate on engineering and business rules rather than on software technology. It is...
Detailed Feature List for PlantWise from Bentley Automatic Pipeline Routing Fast automatic routing (usually less than one second per pipe) Quality autorouting based on pipers rules Scales up to hundreds...
Device selection and cable sizing is carried out to ensure compliance with IEE 17th Edition Wiring Regulations. Volt drop, earth loop impedance, disconnection times, short circuit calculations and discrimination checks...
Digital InterPlot improves plot management, repeatability and distribution, thereby reducing the cost of consumables and labor. By creating and saving project plot archives with Digital InterPlot, project participants can view...
eB Insight ProjectWise Connection Services is the bridge between ProjectWise and eB Insight. Snapshots of eB-managed information, at a specific point in time, can be created either explicitly or automatically...
eB Insight Services, the technology foundation of Bentley’s AssetWise platform, controls information throughout the lifecycle of change – ensuring the delivery of relevant, trusted information, in context – to infrastructure...
eB Insight SharePoint Connection Services is the bridge between SharePoint and eB Insight. The image below shows eB Insight data viewed within SharePoint. It demonstrates how views of information can...
Empowered by computational methods, designers can direct their creativity to deliver inspired sustainable buildings that are freer in form and use innovative materials and assemblies. GenerativeComponents facilitates this by allowing...
Engineers use RM Bridge to solve virtually any engineering challenge, and they depend on the software to deliver more than structural analysis results. RM Bridge enables engineers to take a...
File management is key to the efficient exchange of deliverables and work packages across different organizations, while component management is critical to an organization’s productivity and quality of work. Now,...
GeoMacao is an interactive civil engineering product for production road design following European standards. It helps you design horizontal and vertical alignment geometry and produce corresponding bills of materials and...
gINT® provides the industry's most popular geoenvironmental and geotechnical software for fully customizable borehole/boring and well logs, fence diagrams, geotechnical testing and other professional engineering reports. gINT towers above...
HAMMER demystifies the complex science of water hammer and transient analysis and puts the power to perform this critical work in your hands. Trust HAMMER's computationally rigorous hydraulic engine and...
Hevacomp Mechanical Designer V8i is used by building services engineers, HVAC professionals and other MEP professionals who want a quick and easy tool for making engineering-quality building load and...
Hevacomp Pro EP Cert is a fully accredited standalone CAD EPC (Energy Performance Certificate) program for the Energy Assessment Industry. Energy Assessor professionals can create certificates to meet United Kingdom...
Hevacomp Quick EP Cert is a fully accredited, standalone simplified data entry EPC (Energy Performance Certificate) program for the energy assessment industry. Energy assessor professionals can create certificates to meet...
Hevacomp Simulator V8i offers consultant and design contractors, building services design and MEP professionals a tool that is easy and quick to use for building energy analysis using dynamic...
If you are finding that concrete design is not as intuitive, not as productive, or not as profitable as steel design, then RAM Concrete can help. RAM Concrete is the...
Improve Quality, Reduce Costs, and Speed Time to Market with V8i MicroStation V8i helps engineers, architects, GIS professionals, constructors, and owner-operators by promoting collaborative, streamlined workflows among multiple...
In the operations of your plant, are you certain that your maintenance scheduling is ensuring optimum performance of the plant, as well as making sure your operating expenditure is within...
Included and Available Interfaces WaterCAD includes, out-of-the-box, two interoperable platforms, letting you choose the environment that best fits your skills and modeling requirements. 1. Windows stand-alone: Enjoy unparalleled ease-of-use and...
Large projects contain huge amounts of data and whether embedded in drawings, models, or in datasheets, the data is important. Bentley Data Manager is a powerful cross-disciple content management tool...
LEAP Bridge is an industry-standard product for concrete bridges — which make up 70 percent of the new bridges constructed today in the United States. Thousands of bridge engineers, 38...
LEAP PRESTO is a comprehensive offering for the analysis and design of prestressed or mildly reinforced concrete beams in accordance with the ACI or CSA building codes. It combines numerous...
LEAP VERTEX is a comprehensive program for the analysis and design of precast reinforced and prestressed multi-story columns and wall panels in accordance with the ACI and CSA building codes.
MicroStation PowerDraft is a professional-level application used for production 2D/3D drafting and detailing. PowerDraft provides an intuitive interface for creating, editing, and manipulating drawings and models in DGN or DWG...
Municipalities, utilities, and engineering firms around the world use SewerCAD to plan, design, analyze, and optimize their wastewater collection systems. An easy-to-use interface, automatic design features, and stunning presentation tools...
OpenPlant is a set of products completely built on the ISO 15926 data model, signaling the next step in plant software development. Besides OpenPlant Power PID, Bentley OpenPlant products also...
PC-HELP covers all of the essential features from the PCI Design Handbook (Chapter 6), and is an essential design aid for structural engineers. Its simple interface, comprehensive library of connection...
PlantSpace IsoExtractor is an application for generating 2D isometric drawings directly from 3D piping models created using AutoPLANT Piping and PlantSpace Piping. Drawings are generated complete with dimensions, labels and...
ProjectWise Geospatial Management extends the ProjectWise environment with a geospatial view and gives geospatial context to any information. Drawings, maps, models, images, vendor-specific GIS formats, and business documents in their...
ProjectWise InterPlot provides publishing solutions for creating accurate and intelligent project deliverables. ProjectWise InterPlot improves the quality of work packages by centralizing the production plotting and electronic archival process. The...
ProjectWise is software for connecting people and information across distributed teams and is used by architects and engineers to manage, find, and share CAD and geospatial content, project data, and...
Records management policies are often difficult to enforce because insufficient attention is paid to identifying records when they are initially created and disposition plans are not carried out effectively. Records...
SELECTserver provides organizations with an ability to maximize license utilization and minimize the burden of administration through the use of pooled and trust licensing. Pooled licensing is often the top...
SewerGEMS is a fully-dynamic, multi-platform, sanitary and combined sewer modeling solution. Engineers can analyze sanitary or combined conveyance sewer systems using built-in hydraulic and hydrology tools and a variety of...
STAAD.Tower helps engineers generate self-supporting towers, guyed towers, and monopoles using its parametric setup wizards. It constructs the physical model and categorizes the panels, legs, horizontals and bracing members with...
SUPERLOAD from Bentley facilitates online permitting via the Internet with online application, routing, analysis, permit issuance, and secure payment processing. This can save transport professionals hours and even days in...
The Bentley managed environment through Bentley ProjectWise gives you access to AEC and geospatial data within a workgroup, across a distributed organization, or among collaborating organizations throughout the world. If...
The Bentley Process and Instrumentation Workgroup includes a powerful suite of tools for designing, managing, and operating small and large-scale industrial plant facilities. All plant-related data is stored within a...
The FEMA-approved CulvertMaster is hands down the best tool available for solving culvert hydraulics problems. Incredibly flexible, fast, report-ready, and stress-free, CulvertMaster builds on the input you have on-hand while...
The FEMA-approved PondPack will save you hours of manual calculation time when analyzing pre- and post- development hydrology. PondPack's robust analysis engine sizes ponds, develops outlet rating curves with tailwater...
The foundation for the robust applications that eB Insight provides is the five-step process for modeling enterprise information shown below. eB Insight Asset Definition Services provides extended capabilities with regards...
The physical location of an asset can be specified using a variety of different location referencing methods (LRMs). Bentley Location Data Manager (LDM) manages the information needed to translate these...
The ProjectWise Connector for Oracle enables seamless information integration between Bentley engineering and mapping applications and Oracle Spatial databases. It allows organization-defined spatial information to be extracted for use in...
Use the FEMA-approved FlowMaster to quickly perform hydraulic calculations for dozens of element types, from pipes and open channels to drop inlets and weirs. Solve for any unknown property, design...
Using the Bentley Hevacomp Electrical CAD package, systems can be set up as icons for switches, sockets, luminaires and other components. If required, cable routes can optionally be drawn, connecting...
WaterGEMS is a comprehensive and easy to use water distribution modeling application. WaterGEMS can run in ArcGIS, AutoCAD, and MicroStation, or as a standalone application. From fire flow and water...
WinNOZL is a native Windows-based software program for the calculation of local stresses at nozzle/vessel junctions, trunnion attachment points, clip connections, and lug attachments on the shell. Based on well-known...
Based on standard platforms, both MicroStation and AutoCAD, ProSteel easily lets structural engineers, detailers, and fabricators create 3D models for both concrete and steel. ProSteel provides automatic creation of documentation...