Meter Group Tensiometer T5

With an active ceramic cup surface of only 0.5 cm2 and a diameter of 5 mm, the T5 mini-Tensiometer is perfect for use in small spaces such as soil columns, potted plants, and lab water flow experiments. Standard Applications: In soil columns to determine moisture characteristic curves and hydraulic conductivity relationships. In small lysimeters, to describe leachate and upward capillary water movements. Controlling sensors in irrigation systems for pot experiments. For single-point measurements of water tension in the upper soil horizons in the field. In projects on disposal sites to determine the water-tightness of the cover layers.


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Pullman, WA, USA
Tensiometer T5
With an active ceramic cup surface of only 0.5 cm2 and a diameter of 5 mm, the T5 mini-Tensiometer is perfect for use in small spaces such as soil columns, potted plants, and lab water flow experiments. Standard Applications: In soil columns to determine moisture characteristic curves and hydraulic conductivity relationships. In small lysimeters, to describe leachate and upward capillary water movements. Controlling sensors in irrigation systems for pot experiments. For single-point measurements of water tension in the upper soil horizons in the field. In projects on disposal sites to determine the water-tightness of the cover layers.

With an active ceramic cup surface of only 0.5 cm2 and a diameter of 5 mm, the T5 mini-Tensiometer is perfect for use in small spaces such as soil columns, potted plants, and lab water flow experiments.

Standard Applications:

  • In soil columns to determine moisture characteristic curves and hydraulic conductivity relationships.
  • In small lysimeters, to describe leachate and upward capillary water movements.
  • Controlling sensors in irrigation systems for pot experiments.
  • For single-point measurements of water tension in the upper soil horizons in the field.
  • In projects on disposal sites to determine the water-tightness of the cover layers.
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Technical Specifications

  Meter Group
Product Category Property Testing Equipment
Product Number T5
Product Name Tensiometer
Properties Analyzed LiquidPermeability; Surface Energy / Tension; Water Potential, Hydraulic Conductivity
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