Konica Minolta Sensing Americas, Inc. Datasheets for Water Quality Photometers and Colorimeters

Water quality photometers and colorimeters are ion-specific, computer-interfaced probes that are designed to determine the concentration of a solution from its color intensity.
Water Quality Photometers and Colorimeters: Learn more

Product Name Notes
As an imaging measurement system, the LumiCam 2400 captures the luminance and color distributions of screens or multifunction displays within seconds. It provides 5-megapixel images which present the spatially resolved...
The BC-10 Plus is a handheld, portable colorimeter designed to evaluate the color of baked, fried, smoked and processed foods as well as ingredients in various environments to ensure consistency...
The CM-25cG is a compact and lightweight portable spectrophotometer with 45°c:0° geometry and a true high performance 60°-gloss-sensor. The 45°c:0° geometry used is renowned for providing color values offering excellent...
The CM-M6 is a portable multi-angle spectrophotometer especially designed for color measurement of metallic or effect paints, such as pearlescent coatings, which can exhibit a noticeable visual change with specific...
The CR-400 Chroma Meter is a handheld, portable measurement instrument designed to evaluate the color of objects, particularly with smoother surface conditions or minimal color variation. Through standard or customized...
The CR-410 Chroma Meter is a handheld, portable measurement instrument designed to evaluate the color of objects, particularly with texture, uneven surface conditions, or a lot of color variation. Through...
The CR-410C coffee colorimeter measures the color of coffee easily and accurately. It can perform these measurements on a wide variety of coffee: whole green beans, roasted beans, and roasted...
The CR-410PB handheld peanut butter colorimeter accurately and efficiently measures the color of peanut butter as well as whole roasted peanuts according to USDA standards. The CR-410PB does this more...
The handheld CR-20 (combined successor to the CR-11, CR-13, CR-14), color reader, measures the color and whiteness of foods or raw materials in paste, solid, or powder form. It boasts...
The handheld CR-410FF French fry colorimeter is an extremely accurate instrument for measuring the color of cooked French fries. The CR-410FF is portable and simple, so taking on-site measurements seems...
The handheld CR-410T tomato colorimeter uses a USDA approved index to measure and grade the color of processed tomato products. This index makes color readings much simpler by presenting the...