Digi International, Inc. Datasheets for Network Gateways

Network gateways interconnect networks with different, incompatible communication protocols. They perform a Layer-7 protocol-conversion to translate one set of protocols into another (for example, from TCP/IP to SNA or from TCP/IP to X.25).
Network Gateways: Learn more

Product Name Notes
ConnectPort X2 is a small XBee to Ethernet gateway that provides low-cost IP networking of XBee-enabled devices and sensor networks. Featuring a simple development environment, ConnectPort X2 enables custom applications...
ConnectPort X4 customizable Cellular M2M gateways offer a variety of LAN/WAN interface options for end-to-end networking of remote devices. The gateways include comprehensive IP protocols and IPSec VPN support for...
The Digi XBee Gateway provides a low-cost, programmable solution to connect networks of Digi XBee-enabled devices to IP networks. Including serving as a Zigbee to WiFi or Zigbee to cellular...