Setra Systems Datasheets for Weather Instruments

Weather instruments are designed to measure one or multiple components of weather including wind speed and direction, rain or snow fall, solar radiation, temperature, pressure and humidity.
Weather Instruments: Learn more

Product Name Notes
Designed for the environmental extremes found in Automated Weather Systems (AWS), the 278 offers exceptional long-term stability - better than 0.1 mb/yr. This unit is available in 500 to 1100...
Digital Pressure Gauge: This highly accurate (0.02% FS) self-contained instrument has a 6-digit LCD display and a numeric keypad for access to engineering unit conversions. In addition, an RS-232 communications...
Has the same functionality as the Model 370, but does not include the LCD display or numeric keypad. Used as the barometric standard in Automated Surface Observation Systems (worldwide) where...
Known worldwide for its consistent reliability and outstanding performance (±0.05% FS accuracy), the Model 270 has been used in applications such as Weather Monitoring, Avionics Systems, and Crucial Compensation of...
Low cost and high performance (±0.25% FS) make this pressure transducer an exceptional value. This compact, environmentally rugged pressure transducer is available with optional 0.1% FS accuracy, and 5 VDC...