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Fargo Controls, Inc. Datasheets for Digital Counters

Digital counters are electronic devices that perform a variety of counting functions. They may count single actions, provide totalizing, or perform other calculations.
Digital Counters: Learn more

Product Name Notes
FEATURES: Up down counter/timer control AC/DC and self powered versions LCD display indicates both count and preset Accepts a wide range of industrial inputs PS3-11 & PS3-21 have prescaling of...
Electronic LCD counters that are battery powered (10-year battery life). They have an 8 digit LCD display, a push button reset, and accept a wide range of inputs including quadrature.
Electronic LED 6 digit counter, large .56" characters, accepts DC PNP inputs with a variety of functions. Features CSA Approval, CE Compliant Count speed up to 10k Hz No gears...
Miniature LCD counters that are available in 4, 6 and 8 digit models. Their low power consumption is ideal for battery powered applications. Panel and PCB mounting versions are available.
Our CH Series electronic LCD counters have a small panel footprint and are powered by a lithium battery. They have a 7-digit LCD display, a push button reset, and accept...
The PS2 Programmable Electronic Counter & Ratemeter displays count rate or total in several operating modes. Two preset outputs can control rate, count, batching, positioning, length, distance, flow, etc. All...
The PS3-12 & PS3-22 are 1 and 2 preset counters. They offer scaling, which allows for displaying of specific units or lengths. They accept a variety of inputs making them...
The PS3-SP is a 6-digit battery powered predetermining counter. This unit accepts a wide range of AC/DC inputs. Its two-line display shows both the current count and the preset value.
The RS Series are panel mount Tachometers / Line Speed meters. Their programmable scaling makes them capable of displaying RPM, frequency and line speed as well other units of rate...
This Fargo Controls Inc. is proud to announce its latest addition, the TC series. This series is a powerful 6-digit multifunction programmable preset Timer/Counter/Tachom eter with a communication interface. It...