Fargo Controls, Inc. Datasheets for Digital Counters
Digital counters are electronic devices that perform a variety of counting functions. They may count single actions, provide totalizing, or perform other calculations.
Digital Counters: Learn more
Product Name | Notes |
FEATURES: Up down counter/timer control AC/DC and self powered versions LCD display indicates both count and preset Accepts a wide range of industrial inputs PS3-11 & PS3-21 have prescaling of... | |
Electronic LCD counters that are battery powered (10-year battery life). They have an 8 digit LCD display, a push button reset, and accept a wide range of inputs including quadrature. | |
Electronic LED 6 digit counter, large .56" characters, accepts DC PNP inputs with a variety of functions. Features CSA Approval, CE Compliant Count speed up to 10k Hz No gears... | |
Miniature LCD counters that are available in 4, 6 and 8 digit models. Their low power consumption is ideal for battery powered applications. Panel and PCB mounting versions are available. | |
Our CH Series electronic LCD counters have a small panel footprint and are powered by a lithium battery. They have a 7-digit LCD display, a push button reset, and accept... | |
The PS2 Programmable Electronic Counter & Ratemeter displays count rate or total in several operating modes. Two preset outputs can control rate, count, batching, positioning, length, distance, flow, etc. All... | |
The PS3-12 & PS3-22 are 1 and 2 preset counters. They offer scaling, which allows for displaying of specific units or lengths. They accept a variety of inputs making them... | |
The PS3-SP is a 6-digit battery powered predetermining counter. This unit accepts a wide range of AC/DC inputs. Its two-line display shows both the current count and the preset value. | |
The RS Series are panel mount Tachometers / Line Speed meters. Their programmable scaling makes them capable of displaying RPM, frequency and line speed as well other units of rate... | |
This Fargo Controls Inc. is proud to announce its latest addition, the TC series. This series is a powerful 6-digit multifunction programmable preset Timer/Counter/Tachom eter with a communication interface. It... |