FLSmidth Datasheets for Solids Valves

Solids valves are used to control or regulate the flow of powder, granular and other bulk solid materials along a process line, or to and from process units, storage bins, conveyors and product packaging.
Solids Valves: Learn more

Product Name Notes
General The DA Feeder introduces material into the conveying system at highest volumetric efficiency when material flow into the feeder is controlled to permit free venting. The feeder may be...
General When installed in a pressure conveying system, the use of (optional) Lantern Rings and (standard) Air Purge is recommended when fine powdery material is being conveyed to prevent contamination...
FLSmidth Type SK One-Way Cutoff Valves are designed to provide a positive cut-off and seal for pressure and vacuum pneumatic conveying lines. The valves can be used at inlet and...
The new 2-way SK Valve offers a larger hinged access port that gives full access to the internals. Replaceab le hard seats are now pre-mounted in a cartridge that makes replacements...