Hiden Analytical Datasheets for Residual Gas Analyzers

Residual gas analyzers (RGAs) identify the gases present in vacuum environments.
Residual Gas Analyzers: Learn more

Product Name Notes
Compact bench top analysis system for production & research applications. The QIC-100 gas analysis system is a compact mobile cart gas analysis system for monitoring gases and processes at pressures...
Compact bench top analysis system for production & research applications. The QIC-20 gas analysis system is a compact bench-top gas analysis system for monitoring gases and processes at pressures up...
For the examination of all the components present in your chamber or evolved from your system. The HPR-30 process gas analysis system is a compact gas analysis system for monitoring...
Hiden HMT RGA quadrupole mass spectrometers a unique dual mode RGA system examination of components present in a vessel or evolved from a process.
The HPR QIC-20 gas analysis system is a compact bench-top gas analysis system for monitoring gases and processes at pressures up to atmosphere.
The HPR-40 dissolved species gas analysis system is a compact bench-top gas analysis system for monitoring of dissolved / evolved gases
The HPR-50 jet separator mass spectrometer, a dedicated, custom-designed gas analysis system for monitoring of diamond growth processes
The HPR-70 batch inlet mass spectrometer is a compact bench-top gas analysis system for the analysis of discrete / sealed volumes