O'Keefe Controls Co. Datasheets for Flow Orifices and Flow Restrictors

Flow orifices and flow restrictors contain precision-machined holes and filters or screens to restrict flow and reduce pressure. They are available as stand-alone devices and in kits, assemblies, restrictors, and restrictor valves.
Flow Orifices and Flow Restrictors: Learn more

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Product Name Notes
One-piece construction of solid metal is employed. Orifices are accurately machined, thoroughly cleaned, and flow tested to exacting standards. Sizes range from .004" to .125" orifice diameter. Special sizes can...
Precision orifice assemblies that adapt to common fittings used in process instruments and hydraulic systems are shown.
Precision orifice assemblies that adapt to common fittings used in the process industry. Press-fit inserts are used with standard compression tube fittings to form a precision orifice assembly. The fittings...
The restrictors incorporate a precision synthetic sapphire orifice which is fitted within a main body. The sapphire orifice is a stable, accurate flow restrictor. Standard sizes range from .0012" to...
One-piece construction of solid metal is employed. Orifices are accurately machined, thoroughly cleaned, and flow tested to exacting standards. Sizes range from .004" to .125" orifice diameter. Special sizes can...
The inserts shown on this page are designed to press-fit into openings accurately machined in fittings, manifolds and custom parts. There is a choice of insert sizes and materials of...
The restrictors incorporate a precision synthetic sapphire orifice which is fitted within a main body. The sapphire orifice is a stable, accurate flow restrictor. Standard sizes range from .0012" to...

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