Hypersen Technologies Co., Ltd. Datasheets for LiDAR Sensors

LiDAR, light detection and ranging, is an active remote sensing technique where a sensor emits and receives a pulsed electromagnetic signal in order to detect the distance to a target object and capture three dimensional images.
LiDAR Sensors: Learn more

Product Name Notes
This LiDAR is a 3D solid-state LiDAR based on Time-of-Fight (ToF) principle that mainly for target distance measurement(Measurin g range: 0.25m-5m). It can produce 3D point cloud data and achieve...
This LiDAR is a 3D solid-state LiDAR based on Time-of-Fight (ToF) principle that mainly for target distance measurement(Measurin g range: 0.25m-8m). It can produce 3D point cloud data and achieve...
This sensor is a Time-of-Flight ranging sensor that can measure the distance between the sensor and the targets.There are totally 13 models with the maximum measuring range of 40m. It...