ROHM Semiconductor GmbH Nch 40V 80A Power MOSFET RS1G260MN

Power MOSFETs are made as low ON-resistance devices by the micro-processing technologies useful for wide range of applications. Broad lineup covering compact types, high-power types and complex types to meet various needs in the market.
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Nch 40V 80A Power MOSFET - RS1G260MN - ROHM Semiconductor GmbH
Willich, Germany
Nch 40V 80A Power MOSFET
Nch 40V 80A Power MOSFET RS1G260MN
Power MOSFETs are made as low ON-resistance devices by the micro-processing technologies useful for wide range of applications. Broad lineup covering compact types, high-power types and complex types to meet various needs in the market.

Power MOSFETs are made as low ON-resistance devices by the micro-processing technologies useful for wide range of applications. Broad lineup covering compact types, high-power types and complex types to meet various needs in the market.

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4.5V Drive Nch MOSFET - RS1G260MN - ROHM Semiconductor USA, LLC
Santa Clara, CA, USA
4.5V Drive Nch MOSFET
4.5V Drive Nch MOSFET RS1G260MN
Power MOSFETs are made as low ON-resistance devices by the micro-processing technologies useful for wide range of applications.Broad lineup covering compact types, high-power types and complex types to meet various needs in the market.

Power MOSFETs are made as low ON-resistance devices by the micro-processing technologies useful for wide range of applications.Broad lineup covering compact types, high-power types and complex types to meet various needs in the market.

Supplier's Site

Technical Specifications

  ROHM Semiconductor GmbH ROHM Semiconductor USA, LLC
Product Category Power MOSFET Metal-Oxide Semiconductor FET (MOSFET)
Product Number RS1G260MN RS1G260MN
Product Name Nch 40V 80A Power MOSFET 4.5V Drive Nch MOSFET
Polarity N-Channel N-Channel
V(BR)DSS 40 volts 40 volts
IDSS 80000 milliamps 80000 milliamps
QG 21 nC
PD 35000 milliwatts 3000 milliwatts
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