Channel 1 Port Connectors: (3) DB25 (M/M/F) connectors labeled SECURE, NON-SECURE and COMMON, respectively.
Channel 2 Port Connectors: (3) RJ45(F) shielded connectors labeled A, B, and COMMON.
Front Panel Control: (2) Manual pushbuttons allow local switching of channels 1 and 2.
Remote Control: DB9 female connector on rear panel accepts contact closure or RS232 serial data.
Display: (6) LEDs on front panel display switch position and power status.
Remote Control: (1) DB9 Female connector on rear panel accepts Contact Closure or RS232 Serial Data for remote control operation.
Power: Internal power supply accepts 115 VAC, 60 Hz. A power cable is supplied with the unit.
Dimensions: Rackmount, 19.0" W x 8.0" D x 1.75" H.
Weight: 4.5 lbs.
Channel 1 Port Connectors: (3) DB25 (M/M/F) connectors labeled SECURE, NON-SECURE and COMMON, respectively.
Channel 2 Port Connectors: (3) RJ45(F) shielded connectors labeled A, B, and COMMON.
Front Panel Control: (2) Manual pushbuttons allow local switching of channels 1 and 2.
Remote Control: DB9 female connector on rear panel accepts contact closure or RS232 serial data.
Display: (6) LEDs on front panel display switch position and power status.
Remote Control: (1) DB9 Female connector on rear panel accepts Contact Closure or RS232 Serial Data for remote control operation.
Power: Internal power supply accepts 115 VAC, 60 Hz. A power cable is supplied with the unit.
Dimensions: Rackmount, 19.0" W x 8.0" D x 1.75" H.
Weight: 4.5 lbs.
Channel 1 Port Connectors: (3) DB25 (M/M/F) connectors labeled SECURE, NON-SECURE and COMMON, respectively.
Channel 2 Port Connectors: (3) RJ45(F) shielded connectors labeled A, B, and COMMON.
Front Panel Control: (2) Manual pushbuttons allow local switching of channels 1 and 2.
Remote Control: DB9 female connector on rear panel accepts contact closure or RS232 serial data.
Display: (6) LEDs on front panel display switch position and power status.
Remote Control: (1) DB9 Female connector on rear panel accepts Contact Closure or RS232 Serial Data for remote control operation.
Power: Internal power supply accepts 115 VAC, 60 Hz. A power cable is supplied with the unit.
Dimensions: Rackmount, 19.0" W x 8.0" D x 1.75" H.