Access any one of four separate fiber optic networks from one computer
Simple pushbutton switching
Network ports 1 & 2 are 850nm 10 Mbps ST duplex multimode fiber optic ports. Network ports 3 & 4 are 1300nm 100 Mbps ST duplex multimode fiber optic ports. ST duplex shown. SC is available.
Based on the selected port, the COMMON port will automatically convert to the proper 10 BASE-T or 100 BASE-T speed.
Internal circuitry insures isolation between networks/devices
Acts as a signal source, no optical signal loss
LED display indicates switch position and fiber link presence
Spare power supply available, P/N 520943.
Access any one of four separate fiber optic networks from one computer
Simple pushbutton switching
Network ports 1 & 2 are 850nm 10 Mbps ST duplex multimode fiber optic ports. Network ports 3 & 4 are 1300nm 100 Mbps ST duplex multimode fiber optic ports. ST duplex shown. SC is available.
Based on the selected port, the COMMON port will automatically convert to the proper 10 BASE-T or 100 BASE-T speed.
Internal circuitry insures isolation between networks/devices
Acts as a signal source, no optical signal loss
LED display indicates switch position and fiber link presence
Spare power supply available, P/N 520943.
Access any one of four separate fiber optic networks from one computer
Simple pushbutton switching
Network ports 1 & 2 are 850nm 10 Mbps ST duplex multimode fiber optic ports. Network ports 3 & 4 are 1300nm 100 Mbps ST duplex multimode fiber optic ports. ST duplex shown. SC is available.
Based on the selected port, the COMMON port will automatically convert to the proper 10 BASE-T or 100 BASE-T speed.
Internal circuitry insures isolation between networks/devices
Acts as a signal source, no optical signal loss
LED display indicates switch position and fiber link presence