Checks soil pH and salinity
Checks water pH and salinity
Checks correct fertilizer concentration
Checks boiler water conductivity
Automatic temperature compensation means no thermometers or adjustments
Only small amount of soil needed for tests
For testing conductivity/salinit
y only
Budget priced
Plant health can be greatly affected by pH (acidic or basic), salinity (soluble salts), and alkalinity, yet these factors are often ignored by growers. It is easy to test for these three important parameters using a portable MyronL AGRI-METER with Soil Test Kit.
- Checks soil pH and salinity
- Checks water pH and salinity
- Checks correct fertilizer concentration
- Checks boiler water conductivity
- Automatic temperature compensation means no thermometers or adjustments
- Only small amount of soil needed for tests
- For testing conductivity/salinity only
- Budget priced
Plant health can be greatly affected by pH (acidic or basic), salinity (soluble salts), and alkalinity, yet these factors are often ignored by growers. It is easy to test for these three important parameters using a portable MyronL AGRI-METER with Soil Test Kit.