The MP-2350RX is a comprehensive family of RF/Fiber Optic Receivers that are designed to provide optical-to-electrica
l (O/E) conversion of broadband RF signals over a frequency range of 1.0 MHz to 3.5 GHz. The receiver family is comprised of four model variants that operate over a unique frequency range. Refer to the part number generator tool on page two. The utilization of the MP-2350RX, in conjunction with the appropriate MP-2350TX RF/Fiber Optic Transmitter, forms a broadband link capable of supporting the transmission of RF signals over singlemode optical fiber for use in a wide array of communication applications. The link applications include antenna remoting, time and frequency reference distribution, RF delay lines, telemetry tracking, and point-to-point RF transmission. The receiver utilizes a high speed, low distortion PIN photodiode detector that is integrated with a broadband RF post amplifier. The unit provides the user with status monitoring through the use of an onboard processor that communicates to a host computer over an RS-232 or RS-485 I/O interface. The I/O parameters include received optical power, temperature and alarm status. In addition, the receiver’s post-amplifier gain can be adjusted using the integrated variable RF attenuator. The attenuator’s adjustment range is 0.0 dB to 35.0 dB in 0.5 dB increments. The receiver is also available without a RF post amplifier.
The MP-2350RX is a comprehensive family of RF/Fiber Optic Receivers that are designed to provide optical-to-electrical (O/E) conversion of broadband RF signals over a frequency range of 1.0 MHz to 3.5 GHz. The receiver family is comprised of four model variants that operate over a unique frequency range. Refer to the part number generator tool on page two. The utilization of the MP-2350RX, in conjunction with the appropriate MP-2350TX RF/Fiber Optic Transmitter, forms a broadband link capable of supporting the transmission of RF signals over singlemode optical fiber for use in a wide array of communication applications. The link applications include antenna remoting, time and frequency reference distribution, RF delay lines, telemetry tracking, and point-to-point RF transmission. The receiver utilizes a high speed, low distortion PIN photodiode detector that is integrated with a broadband RF post amplifier. The unit provides the user with status monitoring through the use of an onboard processor that communicates to a host computer over an RS-232 or RS-485 I/O interface. The I/O parameters include received optical power, temperature and alarm status. In addition, the receiver’s post-amplifier gain can be adjusted using the integrated variable RF attenuator. The attenuator’s adjustment range is 0.0 dB to 35.0 dB in 0.5 dB increments. The receiver is also available without a RF post amplifier.