The patented FPT Hi-eSCR is the key for performance and success. The CASE grader is the only one in the market satisfying the restrictive TIER 4 final demads with SCR-only aftertreatment technology. None of the others can provide such a smart solution hugely cost efficient thanks to the following exclusivities:
No DPF regeneration during the working activities means no waste of Fuel
No DPF filter periodical replacement
No need of double stage aftertreatment DPF+SCR
The FPT engine implies no gas recirculation improving consequently the combustion efficiency
The patented FPT Hi-eSCR is the key for performance and success. The CASE grader is the only one in the market satisfying the restrictive TIER 4 final demads with SCR-only aftertreatment technology. None of the others can provide such a smart solution hugely cost efficient thanks to the following exclusivities:
- No DPF regeneration during the working activities means no waste of Fuel
- No DPF filter periodical replacement
- No need of double stage aftertreatment DPF+SCR
- The FPT engine implies no gas recirculation improving consequently the combustion efficiency