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Magnescale Americas, Inc. Datasheets for Digital Readouts

Digital readouts are specialized displays for position and dimension readings from inspection gages and linear scales, or rotary encoders on machine tools. 
Digital Readouts: Learn more

Product Name Notes
Compact, lightweight, and easy-to-mount counter Compact design : DIN standard size (72 mm x 72 mm / 2.83" x 2.83" W x H). Suitable for panel mounting Selectable display resolutions:...
Counter compatible with our compact, high-precision DK series of digital gauges Maxmum display resolution : 0.1μm Zero point detection BCD and RS-232C I/O models are available. Compact and lightweight: DIN...
Counter compatible with our DT12 series of digital gauges.
Counter compatible with our DT512 series of digital gauges.
Expandable multifunction counter.
High performance counter for Mill and Lathe applications.
High performance Lathe specific counter. Counter for Lathe (LH72-3) Display Resolution Switching Machine error compensation Data Storage. Reset/Preset Detecting Reference Point of Measurement Unit Program function Scaling Lathe function (Tool...
Multifunction counter with RS-232C interface.
Standard function counter for general applications.