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Penncat Corporation Datasheets for Transfer Switches

Transfer switches transfer electrical power back and forth between two power systems or buses such as a utility power line and a backup motor-generator power supply.
Transfer Switches: Learn more

Product Name Notes
GE’s Zenith ZTG Series switches are built for standard applications requiring the dependability and ease of operation found in a power contactor switch. ZTG switches are equipped with GE’s Zenith...
Since its introduction, GE’s Zenith ZTS Series of transfer switches has become a hallmark of quality and performance. Reliability resulting from superior design and heavy duty construction has made the...
The Thomson Technology TS 870 bypass isolation transfer switch includes all the features of the TS 870 transfer switch described in our TS 870 Automatic Transfer Switch brochure. The TS...
Thomson Technology TS 830 series of Automatic Transfer Switches employ two mechanically interlocked enclosed contact power switching units and a microprocessor based controller to automatically transfer system load to an...
Thomson Technology TS 840 series of Automatic Transfer Switches employ two mechanically interlocked enclosed contact power switching units and a microprocessor based controller to automatically transfer system load to a...
Thomson Technology TS 870 Standard Automatic Transfer Switches employ two mechanically interlocked power switching units with a microprocessor based controller to automatically start a generator and transfer system load to...