Composition Materials Co., Inc. Datasheets for Chemical Additives and Agents

Chemical additives and agents include a wide range of materials added to polymer resins, paints and coatings, or adhesives to modify specific processing or end-use properties.
Chemical Additives and Agents: Learn more

Product Name Notes
· Walnut Shell Blasting Grit – paint stripping & coatings removal from cars, trucks, boats, bridges & buildings · Blast Cleaning Media for aircraft engine clean-out & steam turbines ·
Composition Materials diversified line of Fillers & Extenders
Corn Cob Blasting Media & Corn Cob Grit are used in blasting, tumbling and vibratory finishing, polishing, deburring, deflashing and drying operations. Corn Cob is very effective for blasting wood,...
Deflashing electronic components.