Newport MKS Quadrant Cell Photoreceiver, InGaAs, 900-1700 nm, 8-32/M4 Thread 2903

The 2903 Quadrant Cell Photoreceivers is ideal when you need to measure small deviations in the position of your 900 to 1700 nm laser beam, such as that required in beam-stabilization systems. Quadrant-cell photoreceivers consist of four individual yet identical photocells positioned very close to each other. To increase the sensitivity of these photoreceivers, each of the cells photocurrents is sent to its own individual amplifier before being processed with the other photocell signals to generate top-minus bottom difference (vertical error) and left-minus-right difference (horizontal error) signals. A sum-of-all-quadrants signal is also provided for normalization purposes. These photoreceivers can operate off batteries, your own DC power supply or our Model 0901 power supply. 8-32 mounting thread. M4 metric adaptor and tool now included.
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Quadrant Cell Photoreceiver, InGaAs, 900-1700 nm, 8-32/M4 Thread - 2903 - Newport MKS
Irvine, CA, United States
Quadrant Cell Photoreceiver, InGaAs, 900-1700 nm, 8-32/M4 Thread
Quadrant Cell Photoreceiver, InGaAs, 900-1700 nm, 8-32/M4 Thread 2903
The 2903 Quadrant Cell Photoreceivers is ideal when you need to measure small deviations in the position of your 900 to 1700 nm laser beam, such as that required in beam-stabilization systems. Quadrant-cell photoreceivers consist of four individual yet identical photocells positioned very close to each other. To increase the sensitivity of these photoreceivers, each of the cells photocurrents is sent to its own individual amplifier before being processed with the other photocell signals to generate top-minus bottom difference (vertical error) and left-minus-right difference (horizontal error) signals. A sum-of-all-quadrants signal is also provided for normalization purposes. These photoreceivers can operate off batteries, your own DC power supply or our Model 0901 power supply. 8-32 mounting thread. M4 metric adaptor and tool now included.

The 2903 Quadrant Cell Photoreceivers is ideal when you need to measure small deviations in the position of your 900 to 1700 nm laser beam, such as that required in beam-stabilization systems. Quadrant-cell photoreceivers consist of four individual yet identical photocells positioned very close to each other. To increase the sensitivity of these photoreceivers, each of the cells photocurrents is sent to its own individual amplifier before being processed with the other photocell signals to generate top-minus bottom difference (vertical error) and left-minus-right difference (horizontal error) signals. A sum-of-all-quadrants signal is also provided for normalization purposes. These photoreceivers can operate off batteries, your own DC power supply or our Model 0901 power supply. 8-32 mounting thread. M4 metric adaptor and tool now included.

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Technical Specifications

  Newport MKS
Product Category Linear Position Sensors
Product Number 2903
Product Name Quadrant Cell Photoreceiver, InGaAs, 900-1700 nm, 8-32/M4 Thread
Sensor Technology Optical Triangulation Position Sensor
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