The Gocator 2300 series of 3D smart sensorsare designed for the demanding industrialconditions of the factory floor. Gocator's simpleand flexible design enables factories to reducecosts and maximize profitability by improvingefficiencie
s in product validation. The Gocator2300 series comes in five standard models butcan also be customized to suit specific factoryautomation requirements.MEGAPIX
EL RESOLUTIONGocator 2300 sensors measure micron level featuresleveraging megapixel resolution while maintaining largefields of view. Gocator can now screen parts for very smalldefects, raising the bar for quality inspection.STANDALON
E & SCALABLESingle sensors require no additional controllers, amplifiersor PCs. Gocator systems can effortlessly scale to multiplesensors using LMI Master hubs. Masters take care of powerdistribution, laser safety interlock, encoder and digital inputhandling, and microsecond synchronization.COMP
ACT & LIGHT WEIGHTGocator's small footprint and less than 1.5 kg weight makeit ideal for fitting into tight spaces and mounting ontorobotic arms.• PRE-CALIBRATED TO SCAN MICRON-LEVEL DETAILS• HIGH SPEED & LOW LATENCY• SETUP & CONTROL VIA WEB BROWSER• BUILT-IN TOOLS, NO PROGRAMMING• OPEN SOURCE SDK
The Gocator 2300 series of 3D smart sensorsare designed for the demanding industrialconditions of the factory floor. Gocator's simpleand flexible design enables factories to reducecosts and maximize profitability by improvingefficiencies in product validation. The Gocator2300 series comes in five standard models butcan also be customized to suit specific factoryautomation requirements.MEGAPIXEL RESOLUTIONGocator 2300 sensors measure micron level featuresleveraging megapixel resolution while maintaining largefields of view. Gocator can now screen parts for very smalldefects, raising the bar for quality inspection.STANDALONE & SCALABLESingle sensors require no additional controllers, amplifiersor PCs. Gocator systems can effortlessly scale to multiplesensors using LMI Master hubs. Masters take care of powerdistribution, laser safety interlock, encoder and digital inputhandling, and microsecond synchronization.COMPACT & LIGHT WEIGHTGocator's small footprint and less than 1.5 kg weight makeit ideal for fitting into tight spaces and mounting ontorobotic arms.• PRE-CALIBRATED TO SCAN MICRON-LEVEL DETAILS• HIGH SPEED & LOW LATENCY• SETUP & CONTROL VIA WEB BROWSER• BUILT-IN TOOLS, NO PROGRAMMING• OPEN SOURCE SDK