This layout tool makes it easy to remember how to layout a 16 point gore.
Step by step instructions included with each rule.
This 6" x 6" square also has a protractor for laying out tee patterns.
Made of 16 gauge steel, laser etched with a rust resistant black oxide finish.
This layout tool makes it easy to remember how to layout a 16 point gore.
Step by step instructions included with each rule.
This 6" x 6" square also has a protractor for laying out tee patterns.
Made of 16 gauge steel, laser etched with a rust resistant black oxide finish.
This layout tool makes it easy to remember how to layout a 16 point gore.
Step by step instructions included with each rule.
This 6" x 6" square also has a protractor for laying out tee patterns.
Made of 16 gauge steel, laser etched with a rust resistant black oxide finish.