WDI's AOI Microscope is designed for fast scanning and defect review applications of a variety of specimen including bare glass, TFT array and colour filter. It provides exceptional image quality, and is limited only by the selection of the microscope objective lens. The microscope features a sturdy but lightweight mechanical design making it particularly suitable for installing on fast accelerating/deceler
ating gantries. The microscope design supports operation in a class 10 clean-room environment. This is accomplished by appropriate components and surface finish selection as well as reduction of cabling to the absolute minimum.
WDI's AOI Microscope is designed for fast scanning and defect review applications of a variety of specimen including bare glass, TFT array and colour filter. It provides exceptional image quality, and is limited only by the selection of the microscope objective lens. The microscope features a sturdy but lightweight mechanical design making it particularly suitable for installing on fast accelerating/decelerating gantries. The microscope design supports operation in a class 10 clean-room environment. This is accomplished by appropriate components and surface finish selection as well as reduction of cabling to the absolute minimum.