MSA Safety Responder Powered Respirator

The MSA Responder PAPR (Powered Air-Purifying Respirators) system is ideal for First Responder, Military and Special Operations personnel who need non-IDLH respiratory protection for an extended period of time. The MSA Responder PAPR combines an industry leading motor-blower with a choice of two proven MSA gas mask CBRN facepieces and three proprietary cartridges designed for CBRN, particulate, and poisonous gases/vapors. The Responder PAPR's constant filtered airflow provides improved comfort due to the cooling effect, greatly reducing pulmonary stress, preserving strength and mental acuity. The airflow also prevents fogging in the facepiece, reduces any feelings of claustrophobia and allows for extended use in hot and stressful environments. · Protects first responders for up to 8 hours under many hazardous conditions · Passed MSA developmental tests against live chemical warfare agent as proposed by the recently published PAPR CBRN standard · Choice of 2 proven positive pressure facepieces, the MSA Millennium® and the MSA Ultra Elite® · Choice of CBRN cartridge or multi-gas/particulat e chemical cartridges for non-CBRN use
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Responder Powered Respirator -  - MSA Safety
Cranberry Twp., PA, United States
Responder Powered Respirator
Responder Powered Respirator
The MSA Responder PAPR (Powered Air-Purifying Respirators) system is ideal for First Responder, Military and Special Operations personnel who need non-IDLH respiratory protection for an extended period of time. The MSA Responder PAPR combines an industry leading motor-blower with a choice of two proven MSA gas mask CBRN facepieces and three proprietary cartridges designed for CBRN, particulate, and poisonous gases/vapors. The Responder PAPR's constant filtered airflow provides improved comfort due to the cooling effect, greatly reducing pulmonary stress, preserving strength and mental acuity. The airflow also prevents fogging in the facepiece, reduces any feelings of claustrophobia and allows for extended use in hot and stressful environments. · Protects first responders for up to 8 hours under many hazardous conditions · Passed MSA developmental tests against live chemical warfare agent as proposed by the recently published PAPR CBRN standard · Choice of 2 proven positive pressure facepieces, the MSA Millennium® and the MSA Ultra Elite® · Choice of CBRN cartridge or multi-gas/particulat e chemical cartridges for non-CBRN use

The MSA Responder PAPR (Powered Air-Purifying Respirators) system is ideal for First Responder, Military and Special Operations personnel who need non-IDLH respiratory protection for an extended period of time. The MSA Responder PAPR combines an industry leading motor-blower with a choice of two proven MSA gas mask CBRN facepieces and three proprietary cartridges designed for CBRN, particulate, and poisonous gases/vapors. The Responder PAPR's constant filtered airflow provides improved comfort due to the cooling effect, greatly reducing pulmonary stress, preserving strength and mental acuity. The airflow also prevents fogging in the facepiece, reduces any feelings of claustrophobia and allows for extended use in hot and stressful environments. · Protects first responders for up to 8 hours under many hazardous conditions · Passed MSA developmental tests against live chemical warfare agent as proposed by the recently published PAPR CBRN standard · Choice of 2 proven positive pressure facepieces, the MSA Millennium® and the MSA Ultra Elite® · Choice of CBRN cartridge or multi-gas/particulate chemical cartridges for non-CBRN use

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Technical Specifications

  MSA Safety
Product Category Face Shields
Product Name Responder Powered Respirator
Type Full Shield
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