Sunsitive is extremely simple to operate. One eye measures direct sun exposure while the other measures the amount of sunlight the skin is receiving under the suntan lotion. The more time spent in the sun, the more segments on the sensor's display light up. When these are all lit, an alarm sounds, telling the user that they should now apply more lotion or move out of direct sunlight.
Sunsitive was developed using a concept as its basis rather than existing technology. Unlike other units, it measures both UVB and UVA sunlight. This is a major benefit as UVA is more dangerous and can lead to skin cancer. Everyone enjoys relaxing in the sunshine. The health benefits for both body and soul drives millions of us to seek out the sun every year. Unfortunately, there is a downside to this increasing desire to be tanned. Research has shown that too much UV radiation may cause dangerous illnesses of which the most serious are cancerous tumours known as malignant melanoma. Furthermore, repeated sunburn at a young age is considered especially dangerous. So what is the answer to this potentially fatal problem? It has been shown that good sunbathing habits and control of radiation are extremely helpful. With this in mind, Imego initiated research into a groundbreaking product designed to address this problem. Overly long exposure to intense sunshine causes UV-burning. Light-skinned people are especially at risk due to naturally low skin protection. Even when protective lotion is applied, it might be done so too sparingly or become less effective due to bathing or simply sweating in the heat. It is also a fact that most lotions undergo an ageing process in which protection reduces as time passes. With SunSitive, you will also have control over exposure with or without protective lotion.
Imego | |
Product Category | UV Sensors |
Product Name | SunSitive |
Sensor Output | UV Index |