Hartford Technologies, Inc. Datasheets for Industrial Pins
Industrial pins are varieties of fastening hardware meant to couple, align, mount, assemble, or penetrate two workpieces. The operation of the pin depends on design and employment, but industrial pins can be categorized into several categories, such as: hitch and linch pins; cotter pins and wire clips; spring pins; locating and fixturing pins; and specialty pins.
Industrial Pins: Learn more
Product Name | Notes |
Detent pins refer to pins that have a mechanical feature that prevents motion until this feature is released. One simple example is a pin that has a spring loaded ball... | |
Dowel pins, when inserted into receiving holes, are used to join and precisely align parts of an assembly. Dowel pins may also be used as location pins. These pins are... | |
Hartford Technologies custom manufactures precision knurled pins and knurled studs that provide the highest levels of straightness, roundness, and hardness, without marks. Hartford knurled pins and knurled studs are manufactured... | |
Pivot pins refer to pins that have a special end configuration (e.g spherical end) that allows this feature to be used as a cam profile, such as a detent pin. |