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NDK Datasheets for IC Electronic Filters

IC electronic filters are frequency-selective circuits that consist of devices such resistors, capacitors, inductors, transistors, or operational amplifiers coupled with reactive components.
IC Electronic Filters: Learn more

Product Name Notes
Because this MCF has a built-in transformer, it is possible to match an input/outputcircuit with various impedance values. Stable temperature characteristics. This product can be manufactured according to your requested...
Differs from conventional crystal filters, this filter needs no transformer,resultin g in a light and compact product, with excellent characteristicsyet still maintains the high Q of crystal. Compact and light.
This compact crystal filter for small antennas has been developed to removeinterference caused by nonlinearity of a receiver and has low insertion loss across awide frequency range. It can be...
This filter has a wide range of applications from carrier equipment tomeasuring instruments that require particularly high stability and highreliability. Careful consideration to design, part selection, andmanufacturing, all ensure a...
This four-pole crystal filter with a built-in coupling capacitor also supports surfacemounting. Supports surface mounting. (Packed with embossed tape) Built-in coupling capacitor. Excellent shock-resistance. Frequency range Fundamental: 30 to 90...
This is a crystal filter that supports surface mounting. Adoption of a ceramic containerhas enabled the dimensions of the filter to be 7×5×1.35 mm. Supports a widefrequency range. Supports IR...
This is an integrated MCF with a built-in transformer which matchedterminating impedance with MCF impedance. This product can be manufactured according to your requestedterminating impedance. It can be designed and...
Compact and light. Structure highly resistant to vibration and shock.