Magnesia Stabilized Zirconia (MSZ) Ceramic is a great refractory and insulating material due to high oxygen ion conductivity, high strength and toughness, and good thermal shock resistance. It has a clean melt at temperatures above 1900°C and above and is specially manufactured for melting superalloys and precious metals. Its superior thermal shock resistance to temperatures reaching up to 2200°C.Advantages:Hi
gh thermal shock resistanceHigh wear-resistant and erosion-resistantMet
al corrosion resistance in high temperatureExcellent non-wetting characteristicsHigh strengthLong service lifeThe stabilizers and grains combination can be designed according to customer's using environment.Applicat
ion Field:High temperature melt flow controlSizing nozzle, Ladle skateboard panel, Converter slag blocking slide plate and ring, etc.Specialty glass manufacturingLarge size high content of zirconia and alumina ceramics, etc.Metal powder industrySetter plate, Gas atomizing nozzle, etc.Precious metal smelting industryCeramic Crucibles, etc.Artificial/Laser Crystal Ceramic Temperature FieldRare earth composite oxide solid solution ceramic temperature field, etc.
Magnesia Stabilized Zirconia (MSZ) Ceramic is a great refractory and insulating material due to high oxygen ion conductivity, high strength and toughness, and good thermal shock resistance. It has a clean melt at temperatures above 1900°C and above and is specially manufactured for melting superalloys and precious metals. Its superior thermal shock resistance to temperatures reaching up to 2200°C.Advantages:High thermal shock resistanceHigh wear-resistant and erosion-resistantMetal corrosion resistance in high temperatureExcellent non-wetting characteristicsHigh strengthLong service lifeThe stabilizers and grains combination can be designed according to customer's using environment.Application Field:High temperature melt flow controlSizing nozzle, Ladle skateboard panel, Converter slag blocking slide plate and ring, etc.Specialty glass manufacturingLarge size high content of zirconia and alumina ceramics, etc.Metal powder industrySetter plate, Gas atomizing nozzle, etc.Precious metal smelting industryCeramic Crucibles, etc.Artificial/Laser Crystal Ceramic Temperature FieldRare earth composite oxide solid solution ceramic temperature field, etc.