INNOVACERA offer customers a wide variety of vacuum-tight, hermetically sealed ceramic-to-metal, glass-ceramic and glass-to-metal components. Ceramic-to-metal sealing products not only have the characteristics of ceramic high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, but also have the strength and toughness of metal. They are widely used in electronic aerospace, medical industry and other applications.The best customer service and effcient solution could be provided is INNOVACERA commitment.Hermetic Seal Properties:Hermetici
ty: up to 1×10-9 atm cc/sec HeWorking Temperature > 500°C depending on materials and geometryInsulation Resistance: Typically exceeds 1 GΩ @ 100 VDCCeramic-to-Metal Sealing Features:High Abrasion ResistanceHigh Mechanical StrengthPressures over 10,000 PSIHigh Temperature UsageLow Dielectric LossMass Spectrometer Leak TestedHigh Chemical StabilityCeramic-to-
Metal Welding Process:CleaningPast
ingMetallizingNickel PlatingMountingWeldi
Ceramic-to-Metal Sealing Applications:Relay InsulatorsCapacitorM
agnetronsTravelling Wave TubeX-ray Tube ComponentsElectrosur
gical InstrumentationImpla
ntable Packages and FeedthroughsGas DetectorsMicroscopes (TEM, SEM)High Voltage FeedthroughsHigh-tem
perature FeedthroughsRF FeedthroughsOptoelec
tronics and Power TubeLaser TubesThyristorsDiode
sAnd etc
INNOVACERA offer customers a wide variety of vacuum-tight, hermetically sealed ceramic-to-metal, glass-ceramic and glass-to-metal components. Ceramic-to-metal sealing products not only have the characteristics of ceramic high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, but also have the strength and toughness of metal. They are widely used in electronic aerospace, medical industry and other applications.The best customer service and effcient solution could be provided is INNOVACERA commitment.Hermetic Seal Properties:Hermeticity: up to 1×10-9 atm cc/sec HeWorking Temperature > 500°C depending on materials and geometryInsulation Resistance: Typically exceeds 1 GΩ @ 100 VDCCeramic-to-Metal Sealing Features:High Abrasion ResistanceHigh Mechanical StrengthPressures over 10,000 PSIHigh Temperature UsageLow Dielectric LossMass Spectrometer Leak TestedHigh Chemical StabilityCeramic-to-Metal Welding Process:CleaningPastingMetallizingNickel PlatingMountingWeldingInspection&PackingCeramic-to-Metal Sealing Applications:Relay InsulatorsCapacitorMagnetronsTravelling Wave TubeX-ray Tube ComponentsElectrosurgical InstrumentationImplantable Packages and FeedthroughsGas DetectorsMicroscopes (TEM, SEM)High Voltage FeedthroughsHigh-temperature FeedthroughsRF FeedthroughsOptoelectronics and Power TubeLaser TubesThyristorsDiodesAnd etc