Xiamen Innovacera Advanced Materials Co., Ltd. Analytical Instruments Components

INNOVACERA creates specialized components that can withstand unique and challenging environments, including:High HeatCorrosive EnvironmentsThermal Management ChallengesHigh Mechanical Wear EnvironmentsElectric al Insulation RequirementsHigh Temperature/High-Pre ssure ConditionsWe provide a wide range of materials to solve problems where plastics and metals fail. Ceramics are ideally suited to provide the strength and electrical, thermal, and corrosion-resistant properties needed for analytical instrumentation. Components made from materials such as Alumina, Zirconia, and Zirconia Toughened Alumina (ZTA) solve problems where plastics and metals fail. INNOVACERA excels at matching ceramic properties to the form, fit, and function of the component. INNOVACERA is also able to supply metalized and brazed ceramic to metal assemblies for applications that require hermeticity in ultra-high vacuum (UHV).
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Analytical Instruments Components -  - Xiamen Innovacera Advanced Materials Co., Ltd.
Xiamen, China
Analytical Instruments Components
Analytical Instruments Components
INNOVACERA creates specialized components that can withstand unique and challenging environments, including:High HeatCorrosive EnvironmentsThermal Management ChallengesHigh Mechanical Wear EnvironmentsElectric al Insulation RequirementsHigh Temperature/High-Pre ssure ConditionsWe provide a wide range of materials to solve problems where plastics and metals fail. Ceramics are ideally suited to provide the strength and electrical, thermal, and corrosion-resistant properties needed for analytical instrumentation. Components made from materials such as Alumina, Zirconia, and Zirconia Toughened Alumina (ZTA) solve problems where plastics and metals fail. INNOVACERA excels at matching ceramic properties to the form, fit, and function of the component. INNOVACERA is also able to supply metalized and brazed ceramic to metal assemblies for applications that require hermeticity in ultra-high vacuum (UHV).

INNOVACERA creates specialized components that can withstand unique and challenging environments, including:High HeatCorrosive EnvironmentsThermal Management ChallengesHigh Mechanical Wear EnvironmentsElectrical Insulation RequirementsHigh Temperature/High-Pressure ConditionsWe provide a wide range of materials to solve problems where plastics and metals fail. Ceramics are ideally suited to provide the strength and electrical, thermal, and corrosion-resistant properties needed for analytical instrumentation. Components made from materials such as Alumina, Zirconia, and Zirconia Toughened Alumina (ZTA) solve problems where plastics and metals fail. INNOVACERA excels at matching ceramic properties to the form, fit, and function of the component. INNOVACERA is also able to supply metalized and brazed ceramic to metal assemblies for applications that require hermeticity in ultra-high vacuum (UHV).

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Technical Specifications

  Xiamen Innovacera Advanced Materials Co., Ltd.
Product Category Specialty Ceramics
Product Name Analytical Instruments Components
Applications analytical and medical industries
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