TOC Systems, Inc. On-Line THC/Oil In Water Analyzer

Star Instruments, Inc. uniquely offers all methods of hydrocarbon and oil in water analyses. Traditional methods include UV (Ultra-Violet) Absorbance, NDIR (Non-Dispersive Infrared) Absorbance and Oxidation/NDIR CO2 Detection. Recently, the addition of ASTM Method D7066-04, using chlorotrifluoroethyl ene (S-316) to extract oil and grease in water with subsequent NDIR detection has been added to approved methods. By offering multiple analytical methods, Star is able to recommend the best technique for the application in question, without bias. For THC (Total Hydrocarbons)in water, the Oxidation/NDIR CO 2 Detection is the method of choice. It detects and has stochiometric recovery for all species of hydrocarbons and conforms to ASTM 5310 CID, 4839-88, 4779-88 and EPA 415.1, 9060. Only Star offers the features and reliability of operation associated with its team's pioneerig experience in TOC and THC analyses since 1969. Preferred Applications Excellent accuracy from low parts-per-million to moderate concentration levels f all hydrocarbons, with minimum maintenance. Standard Method 5310 C/D EPA 415.1 ASTM D 4839-88 ASTM D 4779-88 Boiler Feedwater Cooling Water Drinking Water Wastewater (Limited) River Water


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On-Line THC/Oil In Water Analyzer -  - TOC Systems, Inc.
Alvin, TX, USA
On-Line THC/Oil In Water Analyzer
On-Line THC/Oil In Water Analyzer
Star Instruments, Inc. uniquely offers all methods of hydrocarbon and oil in water analyses. Traditional methods include UV (Ultra-Violet) Absorbance, NDIR (Non-Dispersive Infrared) Absorbance and Oxidation/NDIR CO2 Detection. Recently, the addition of ASTM Method D7066-04, using chlorotrifluoroethyl ene (S-316) to extract oil and grease in water with subsequent NDIR detection has been added to approved methods. By offering multiple analytical methods, Star is able to recommend the best technique for the application in question, without bias. For THC (Total Hydrocarbons)in water, the Oxidation/NDIR CO 2 Detection is the method of choice. It detects and has stochiometric recovery for all species of hydrocarbons and conforms to ASTM 5310 CID, 4839-88, 4779-88 and EPA 415.1, 9060. Only Star offers the features and reliability of operation associated with its team's pioneerig experience in TOC and THC analyses since 1969. Preferred Applications Excellent accuracy from low parts-per-million to moderate concentration levels f all hydrocarbons, with minimum maintenance. Standard Method 5310 C/D EPA 415.1 ASTM D 4839-88 ASTM D 4779-88 Boiler Feedwater Cooling Water Drinking Water Wastewater (Limited) River Water

Star Instruments, Inc. uniquely offers all methods of hydrocarbon and oil in water analyses. Traditional methods include UV (Ultra-Violet) Absorbance, NDIR (Non-Dispersive Infrared) Absorbance and Oxidation/NDIR CO2 Detection. Recently, the addition of ASTM Method D7066-04, using chlorotrifluoroethylene (S-316) to extract oil and grease in water with subsequent NDIR detection has been added to approved methods.

By offering multiple analytical methods, Star is able to recommend the best technique for the application in question, without bias.

For THC (Total Hydrocarbons)in water, the Oxidation/NDIR CO 2 Detection is the method of choice. It detects and has stochiometric recovery for all species of hydrocarbons and conforms to ASTM 5310 CID, 4839-88, 4779-88 and EPA 415.1, 9060.

Only Star offers the features and reliability of operation associated with its team's pioneerig experience in TOC and THC analyses since 1969.

Preferred Applications

Excellent accuracy from low parts-per-million to moderate concentration levels f all hydrocarbons, with minimum maintenance.

  • Standard Method 5310 C/D
  • EPA 415.1
  • ASTM D 4839-88
  • ASTM D 4779-88
  • Boiler Feedwater
  • Cooling Water
  • Drinking Water
  • Wastewater (Limited)
  • River Water
Supplier's Site Datasheet

Technical Specifications

  TOC Systems, Inc.
Product Category Water Quality Testing Instruments
Product Name On-Line THC/Oil In Water Analyzer
Water Quality Parameters Water Quality Measurement Instrument; pH; Oil/Water
Form Factor Panel
Features and Functionality Built-in or Self Calibration
pH Measurement Features Temperature Measurement
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