For use with All Star TOC Analyzers
Alkalinity/Direct Method
Avoids Titrimetric/Colorime
tric Procedures
Reports Total & Phenolphthalein Alkalinity
Requires No Probes
Integrates with StarTOC Onboard Computer
Interference - Free Analysis
Completely Automatic
Rapid Response (3 - 4 Minutes)
The Alkalinity/Direct Method overcomes the limitations of traditional alkalinity tests involving multiple endpoint determinations by titration and colorimetric measurements. Burettes, multiple standards, complicated and troublesome rotary valves dispensing metered volumes, etc. are all avoided. This method uses direct analysis of CO2 and continuously measures the following:
Total Alkalinity, mg/Las CaCO3
Hydroxide Alkalinity, mg/L as CaCO3
Carbonate Alkalinity, mg/L as CaCO3
Bicarbonate Alkalinity, mg/L as CaCO3
Free Carbon Dioxide, mg/L as CO2
The sample is delivered into a reaction chamber and mixed with acid to lower the pH to 2–3, at which point the species listed above are converted to CO2 . The CO2 is measured by the non-dispersive Infrared Analyzer and displayed as Total Alka linity and Phenolpht halein Alkalinity.
For use with All Star TOC Analyzers
- Alkalinity/Direct Method
- Avoids Titrimetric/Colorimetric Procedures
- Reports Total & Phenolphthalein Alkalinity
- Requires No Probes
- Integrates with StarTOC Onboard Computer
- Interference - Free Analysis
- Completely Automatic
- Rapid Response (3 - 4 Minutes)
The Alkalinity/Direct Method overcomes the limitations of traditional alkalinity tests involving multiple endpoint determinations by titration and colorimetric measurements. Burettes, multiple standards, complicated and troublesome rotary valves dispensing metered volumes, etc. are all avoided. This method uses direct analysis of CO2 and continuously measures the following:
- Total Alkalinity, mg/Las CaCO3
- Hydroxide Alkalinity, mg/L as CaCO3
- Carbonate Alkalinity, mg/L as CaCO3
- Bicarbonate Alkalinity, mg/L as CaCO3
- Free Carbon Dioxide, mg/L as CO2
The sample is delivered into a reaction chamber and mixed with acid to lower the pH to 2–3, at which point the species listed above are converted to CO2 . The CO2 is measured by the non-dispersive Infrared Analyzer and displayed as Total Alka linity and Phenolpht halein Alkalinity.