Mounting specimens are generally required for providing a convenient way to hold a specimen while it is being ground and polished, or for preserving an edge for examination.Mounting materials fall into two categories:?Compress
ion mounting materials?Cold mount mounting materialsCompression mounting requires the use of heat and pressure in a mounting press to prepare a mounted specimen. Cold mounting is performed at room temperature using a two part castable system. Lapmaster's cold mounting process allows you to acquire Metallographic specimens faster due to the shorter set- time required by our product.
Mounting specimens are generally required for providing a convenient way to hold a specimen while it is being ground and polished, or for preserving an edge for examination.Mounting materials fall into two categories:?Compression mounting materials?Cold mount mounting materialsCompression mounting requires the use of heat and pressure in a mounting press to prepare a mounted specimen. Cold mounting is performed at room temperature using a two part castable system. Lapmaster's cold mounting process allows you to acquire Metallographic specimens faster due to the shorter set- time required by our product.