FluidControl combines a complete portfolio of drilling, drill-in and completion fluid systems and additives with exceptional wellsite engineering to reduce non-productive time (NPT), costs and HSE impact to maximize asset value. In applications worldwide, our planning-to-producti
on approach extends to industry-leading solids control, drilling waste management, fluids reclamation, as well as water transfer and reuse.
FluidControl develops and employs state-of-the-art technologies, experience, and resource commitment to provide our global clients practical approaches that achieve extraordinary results. A straightforward and application-specific fluids program, tailored to your objectives, helps optimize process efficiency and reduce costs, regardless of the scale or complexity of your application.
Drilling Fluids
FluidControl provides superior drilling fluids systems, additives and technical solutions to the global oil and gas industry. Our fluids experts provide engineered solutions from planning to execution to post-well recaps. We deliver detailed drilling fluids programs, daily technical reports, ongoing analysis and end-of-well reports to provide customers all the data needed for a successful project now, and in the future.
We provide a full line of invert emulsion and water-based drilling fluids formulated to meet specific project requirements. FluidControl focuses on delivering high-performance, environmentally friendly drilling fluids.
Drilling Fluid Systems
Oil-Based Systems
Synthetic-Based Systems
Water-Based Systems
Shale Inhibitors
Rheology Modifiers
Filtration Control Agents
Lost Circulation Materials for Preventative and Remedial Applications
Full Offering of Base Fluid Additives and Commercial Chemical
FluidControl combines a complete portfolio of drilling, drill-in and completion fluid systems and additives with exceptional wellsite engineering to reduce non-productive time (NPT), costs and HSE impact to maximize asset value. In applications worldwide, our planning-to-production approach extends to industry-leading solids control, drilling waste management, fluids reclamation, as well as water transfer and reuse.
FluidControl develops and employs state-of-the-art technologies, experience, and resource commitment to provide our global clients practical approaches that achieve extraordinary results. A straightforward and application-specific fluids program, tailored to your objectives, helps optimize process efficiency and reduce costs, regardless of the scale or complexity of your application.
Drilling Fluids
FluidControl provides superior drilling fluids systems, additives and technical solutions to the global oil and gas industry. Our fluids experts provide engineered solutions from planning to execution to post-well recaps. We deliver detailed drilling fluids programs, daily technical reports, ongoing analysis and end-of-well reports to provide customers all the data needed for a successful project now, and in the future.
We provide a full line of invert emulsion and water-based drilling fluids formulated to meet specific project requirements. FluidControl focuses on delivering high-performance, environmentally friendly drilling fluids.
Drilling Fluid Systems
- Oil-Based Systems
- Synthetic-Based Systems
- Water-Based Systems
- Lubricants
- Shale Inhibitors
- Rheology Modifiers
- Filtration Control Agents
- Lost Circulation Materials for Preventative and Remedial Applications
- Full Offering of Base Fluid Additives and Commercial Chemical