TSI NG-4 Nitrogen Tire Inflation Generator Systems w/Four Tire Purge System
This TSI Nitrogen Tire Inflation Generator System ships by truck and extra shipping charges will apply to ship to a non-commercial address. Click here for shipping quote!
4 models to choose from NG-4, NG-6, NG-12 and NG-18, one for any size tire operation. Each of our NG Nitrogen Tire Inflation Generator systems utilize the highest quality membranes. The NG-4 consists of a 60 gallon storage tank encased and mounted on a dolly. The benefits of nitrogen tire inflation rather than plain air have been enjoyed by Formula One, NASA, NASCAR, earth moving equipment, US Military and Tour de France racers for years. Thanks to TSI these affordable generating systems are now available to the general public.
Click here for video of NG-4 in use.
Mile-X Equipment, Inc. | |
Product Category | Gas Generation Equipment |
Product Number | TSING4 |
Product Name | TSI NG-4 Nitrogen Generator |