KRÜSS Scientific Create The Foam You Want Webinar

Foam is welcome in many products or may be the product itself. To create the foam you want, understanding its properties and how they are influenced and measured is key. Learn how the personal care and food & beverage industries rely on scientific foam analysis to optimize their formulations. In this webinar, Dr. Andrew Mellor from KRüSS is joined by a developer from Clariant Specialty Chemicals to explain how they achieve and control the desired foam properties for their applications. To develop products that meet their customers' demands, a solid understanding of the numbers is critical. What you can expect Learn how to analyze measurement data to characterize your foam. Discover the benefits of "green" materials in the production of foam.


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Create The Foam You Want Webinar -  - KRÜSS Scientific
Matthews, NC, United States
Create The Foam You Want Webinar
Create The Foam You Want Webinar
Foam is welcome in many products or may be the product itself. To create the foam you want, understanding its properties and how they are influenced and measured is key. Learn how the personal care and food & beverage industries rely on scientific foam analysis to optimize their formulations. In this webinar, Dr. Andrew Mellor from KRüSS is joined by a developer from Clariant Specialty Chemicals to explain how they achieve and control the desired foam properties for their applications. To develop products that meet their customers' demands, a solid understanding of the numbers is critical. What you can expect Learn how to analyze measurement data to characterize your foam. Discover the benefits of "green" materials in the production of foam.

Foam is welcome in many products or may be the product itself. To create the foam you want, understanding its properties and how they are influenced and measured is key. Learn how the personal care and food & beverage industries rely on scientific foam analysis to optimize their formulations.

In this webinar, Dr. Andrew Mellor from KRÜSS is joined by a developer from Clariant Specialty Chemicals to explain how they achieve and control the desired foam properties for their applications. To develop products that meet their customers' demands, a solid understanding of the numbers is critical.

What you can expect

  • Learn how to analyze measurement data to characterize your foam.
  • Discover the benefits of "green" materials in the production of foam.
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  KRÜSS Scientific
Product Category Technical Courses and Programs
Product Name Create The Foam You Want Webinar
Type Seminar or Conference
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