Three measurements from a single sensor! Intelligent, digital current, voltage and temperature sensors for battery management systems (BMS). Full temperature compensation and calibration over the lifetime of the component. Galvanic isolation 1000V(DC). Amperage and coulomb counter. Automotive-qualified
. Extensive error-detection/diag
nostic features.
Option for up to three high-voltage measurement channels
Monitor battery stack voltage
Monitor Intermediate circuit voltage
Monitor Relay functions
e parameters:
Enable, disable, or trigger sensing channels
Set cycle times
Set overcurrent thresholds
Other parameters: e.g. set CAN IDs for result messages, etc.
Characteristics of the IVT-Series
Selectable current measurement ranges 100, 300, 500, 1,000 and 2,500A
Internally verified current measurement
CANbus 2.0 interface
Can be used on the high or low side of the battery
OC range up to 48kA
Three measurements from a single sensor! Intelligent, digital current, voltage and temperature sensors for battery management systems (BMS). Full temperature compensation and calibration over the lifetime of the component. Galvanic isolation 1000V(DC). Amperage and coulomb counter. Automotive-qualified. Extensive error-detection/diagnostic features.
- Option for up to three high-voltage measurement channels
- Monitor battery stack voltage
- Monitor Intermediate circuit voltage
- Monitor Relay functions
- Customer-configurable parameters:
- Enable, disable, or trigger sensing channels
- Set cycle times
- Set overcurrent thresholds
- Other parameters: e.g. set CAN IDs for result messages, etc.
- Characteristics of the IVT-Series
- Selectable current measurement ranges 100, 300, 500, 1,000 and 2,500A
- Internally verified current measurement
- CANbus 2.0 interface
- Can be used on the high or low side of the battery
- OC range up to 48kA