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Fitzgerald Industries International, Inc. PAPPA antibody 10R-P136b


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PAPPA antibody 10R-P136b
Mouse monoclonal PAPPA antibody Background: Pregnancy-associated plasma protein A, pappalysin 1, also known as PAPPA, is a protein used in screening tests for Down syndrome. PAPPA is a secreted metalloproteinase which cleaves insulin-like growth factor binding proteins (IGFBPs). It is thought to be involved in local proliferative processes such as wound healing and bone remodeling. Low plasma level of this protein has been suggested as a biochemical marker for pregnancies with aneuploid fetuses

Mouse monoclonal PAPPA antibody
Pregnancy-associated plasma protein A, pappalysin 1, also known as PAPPA, is a protein used in screening tests for Down syndrome. PAPPA is a secreted metalloproteinase which cleaves insulin-like growth factor binding proteins (IGFBPs). It is thought to be involved in local proliferative processes such as wound healing and bone remodeling. Low plasma level of this protein has been suggested as a biochemical marker for pregnancies with aneuploid fetuses

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Technical Specifications

  Fitzgerald Industries International, Inc.
Product Category Biological Materials
Product Number 10R-P136b
Product Name PAPPA antibody
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