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Fitzgerald Industries International, Inc. Morphine antibody 10R-M121a


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Morphine antibody 10R-M121a
Mouse monoclonal Morphine antibody Background: Morphine is a potent opiate analgesic medication and is considered to be the prototypical opioid. Morphine is the most abundant alkaloid found in opium. In clinical medicine, morphine is regarded as the gold standard, or benchmark, of analgesics used to relieve severe or agonizing pain and suffering.

Mouse monoclonal Morphine antibody
Morphine is a potent opiate analgesic medication and is considered to be the prototypical opioid. Morphine is the most abundant alkaloid found in opium. In clinical medicine, morphine is regarded as the gold standard, or benchmark, of analgesics used to relieve severe or agonizing pain and suffering.

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Technical Specifications

  Fitzgerald Industries International, Inc.
Product Category Biological Materials
Product Number 10R-M121a
Product Name Morphine antibody
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