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Fitzgerald Industries International, Inc. EGF antibody 10R-E132A


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EGF antibody 10R-E132A
Rat monoclonal EGF antibody Background: EGF is a potent growth factor that stimulates the proliferation of various epidermal and epithelial cells. Additionally, EGF has been shown to inhibit gastric secretion, and to be involved in wound healing. EGF signals through a receptor known as c-erbB, which is a class I tyrosine kinase receptor. This receptor also binds with TGF alpha and VGF (vaccinia virus growth factor).

Rat monoclonal EGF antibody
EGF is a potent growth factor that stimulates the proliferation of various epidermal and epithelial cells. Additionally, EGF has been shown to inhibit gastric secretion, and to be involved in wound healing. EGF signals through a receptor known as c-erbB, which is a class I tyrosine kinase receptor. This receptor also binds with TGF alpha and VGF (vaccinia virus growth factor).

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Technical Specifications

  Fitzgerald Industries International, Inc.
Product Category Biological Materials
Product Number 10R-E132A
Product Name EGF antibody
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