These lens mounts are ideal for mounting optics – whether from LINOS or from other manufacturers – with diameters of 3 mm to 31.5 mm. A threaded ring for fastening the optics is included with the mount. These lens mounts make it easy to integrate optics in LINOS Microbench and Nanobench systems, as well as in holders for mounting on support rods.
Suitable for the Nanobench (N) and Microbench (CL for lenses, CA for achromats) system
Retaining ring included
Tip: LINOS optics can be mounted before shipping. In this case, the optics designation is engraved on the mount, which can prevent confusion. Pre-mounting also protects the optics from the damage that can occur when switching lenses in a mount.
These lens mounts are ideal for mounting optics – whether from LINOS or from other manufacturers – with diameters of 3 mm to 31.5 mm. A threaded ring for fastening the optics is included with the mount. These lens mounts make it easy to integrate optics in LINOS Microbench and Nanobench systems, as well as in holders for mounting on support rods.
- Suitable for the Nanobench (N) and Microbench (CL for lenses, CA for achromats) system
- Retaining ring included
- Tip: LINOS optics can be mounted before shipping. In this case, the optics designation is engraved on the mount, which can prevent confusion. Pre-mounting also protects the optics from the damage that can occur when switching lenses in a mount.