Qualmark’s Inferno is a HALT system specifically configured for testing the durability of instrumentation, tools and electronics that will face harsh environments - such as oil and gas exploration. The system is so much more than a thermal shock chamber.The Inferno can deliver a combination of +250°C to -100°C temperatures, over 60 gRMS , multi-axis, with 6 degrees of freedom vibration in a matter of minutes. Exposing products to such extremes rapidly reveals design and manufacturing flaws missed by traditional reliability testing methods – dramatically reducing the time line for new product introduction and substantially extending product design margins.
ESPEC North America Inc | Qualmark Products and Services | |
Product Category | Environmental Test Chambers and Rooms |
Product Number | Typhoon Inferno |
Product Name | HALT/HASS Environmental Chamber |
Configuration | Floor |
Parameters | Vibration; HALT (Highly Accelerated Life Testing), HASS (Highly Accelerated Stress Screening) |
Features | Shelves; Windows |
Temperature Control | Heating |