The Syfer X2Y Integrated Passive Component is a 3 terminal EMI chip device. When used in balanced line applications, the revolutionary design provides simultaneous line-to-line and line-to-ground filtering, using a single ceramic chip. In this way, differential and common mode filtering are provided in one device.
For unbalanced applications, it provides ultra low ESL (equivalent series inductance). Capable of replacing 2 or more conventional devices, it is ideal for balanced and unbalanced lines, twisted pairs and dc motors, in automotive, audio, sensor and other applications.
Available in sizes from 0805 to 1812, these filters can prove invaluable in meeting stringent EMC demands.
Knowles Precision Devices | |
Product Category | Capacitors |
Product Number | X2Y (E03) |
Product Name | SMD Multi-Layer Ceramic Capacitor |
Configuration / Form Factor | Chip Capacitor |
Technology | Multilayer |
Applications | Automotive; Audio and Sensor Applications |
Capacitance Type | Fixed |
RoHS Compliant | Yes (optional feature) |