Crane Aerospace & Electronics Microwave RF BIT Module O-DET-2116

The O-DET-2116 RF BIT Module provides several integrated functions for detection and measurement of RF levels. The unit consists of an internal temperature compensated RF detector. This rectifi es the RF signal and produces a dc level from the input signal. The diode output feeds a sample and hold circuit, which allows the unit to capture and hold a narrow RF pulse, consistent with a radar signal. The sampled output feeds two threshold detectors, which can be set for minimum and maximum levels. Applications of this detector include level detection and VSWR protection for amplifi ers and other sensitive circuits. Combining two of these units with a dual directional coupler can be used as a VSWR threshold trigger so that an amplifi er is not damaged by excess reverse power. Alternate confi gurations can be built to specifi c requirements. Please contact Olektron sales to discuss your specifi c requirements.


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Microwave RF BIT Module - O-DET-2116 - Crane Aerospace & Electronics
Redmond, WA, USA
Microwave RF BIT Module
Microwave RF BIT Module O-DET-2116
The O-DET-2116 RF BIT Module provides several integrated functions for detection and measurement of RF levels. The unit consists of an internal temperature compensated RF detector. This rectifi es the RF signal and produces a dc level from the input signal. The diode output feeds a sample and hold circuit, which allows the unit to capture and hold a narrow RF pulse, consistent with a radar signal. The sampled output feeds two threshold detectors, which can be set for minimum and maximum levels. Applications of this detector include level detection and VSWR protection for amplifi ers and other sensitive circuits. Combining two of these units with a dual directional coupler can be used as a VSWR threshold trigger so that an amplifi er is not damaged by excess reverse power. Alternate confi gurations can be built to specifi c requirements. Please contact Olektron sales to discuss your specifi c requirements.

The O-DET-2116 RF BIT Module provides several integrated functions for detection and measurement of RF levels. The unit consists of an internal temperature compensated RF detector. This rectifi es the RF signal and produces a dc level from the input signal. The diode output feeds a sample and hold circuit, which allows the unit to capture and hold a narrow RF pulse, consistent with a radar signal. The sampled output feeds two threshold detectors, which can be set for minimum and maximum levels.

Applications of this detector include level detection and VSWR protection for amplifi ers and other sensitive circuits. Combining two of these units with a dual directional coupler can be used as a VSWR threshold trigger so that an amplifi er is not damaged by excess reverse power. Alternate confi gurations can be built to specifi c requirements. Please contact Olektron sales to discuss your specifi c requirements.

Supplier's Site Datasheet

Technical Specifications

  Crane Aerospace & Electronics
Product Category RF Limiters
Product Number O-DET-2116
Product Name Microwave RF BIT Module
Limiter Type Pin Diode Limiter
Frequency Band 9400.0 to 10000.0 MHz
Pulse Width 8.5 to 120 µs
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