Baker Ruskinn introduces VelO2x, Rapid Oxygen Control Chambers, ideal for fast O2 transition studies.
Ideal for Animal Research Models, the VelO2x system is designed to provide controlled and isolated environments. By mimicking the conditions experienced within a diseased state, VelO2x allows the Researcher to better understand the impact that O2 levels have in conditions such as sleep apnea and cardiac arrest. VelO2x comprises an ICONIC Gas Mixer (offering pinpoint control of O2) connected to an isolated chamber (sufficient for certain animals).
Baker Ruskinn is a global leader and supplier of anaerobic and precision low oxygen culture systems for microbiology and tissue/cell culture applications. Its advanced line of anaerobic chambers, physiological cell culture workstations and media conditioning solutions enable superior research results by providing precisely controlled conditions for anoxic and low-oxygen studies.
VELO2x 510 Applications
For research requiring rapid O2 change
Ocular Angiogenesis
Recreational Hypoxia (Athletic conditioning)
Occupational Hypoxia (altitude sickness, airline, observatory astronomers, mining)
VELO2x 510 Key Features & Accessories
2 cage chamber accommodates 2 x Tecniplast 2150e
Accurate O2 control delivered via Baker Ruskinn’s ICONIC technology
O2 Control: 0.1% to 23.0%
Rapid change in O2 levels:
20.9% to 6% in 50 seconds*
6% to 20.9% in 40 seconds*
Uses O2 and N2 gases
205 L N /minute(Gas pressure set at 7 Bar)
VELO2x Gas Controller
2 cage capacity chamber
Cleaning kit
Fast O2 transition studies, such as chronic Intermittent Hypoxia in Animals
Up to 100% O2**
* Example given for illustrative purposes **Dependent upon required O2 transition time required
Baker Ruskinn introduces VelO2x, Rapid Oxygen Control Chambers, ideal for fast O2 transition studies.
Ideal for Animal Research Models, the VelO2x system is designed to provide controlled and isolated environments. By mimicking the conditions experienced within a diseased state, VelO2x allows the Researcher to better understand the impact that O2 levels have in conditions such as sleep apnea and cardiac arrest. VelO2x comprises an ICONIC Gas Mixer (offering pinpoint control of O2) connected to an isolated chamber (sufficient for certain animals).
Baker Ruskinn is a global leader and supplier of anaerobic and precision low oxygen culture systems for microbiology and tissue/cell culture applications. Its advanced line of anaerobic chambers, physiological cell culture workstations and media conditioning solutions enable superior research results by providing precisely controlled conditions for anoxic and low-oxygen studies.
VELO2x 510 Applications
For research requiring rapid O2 change
- Apnea
- Ocular Angiogenesis
- Atherosclerosis
- Ischemia
- Recreational Hypoxia (Athletic conditioning)
- Occupational Hypoxia
(altitude sickness, airline, observatory astronomers, mining)
VELO2x 510 Key Features & Accessories
- 2 cage chamber accommodates 2 x Tecniplast 2150e
- Accurate O2 control delivered via Baker Ruskinn’s ICONIC technology
- O2 Control: 0.1% to 23.0%
- Rapid change in O2 levels:
- 20.9% to 6% in 50 seconds*
- 6% to 20.9% in 40 seconds*
- Uses O2 and N2 gases
- 205 L N /minute(Gas pressure set at 7 Bar)
- VELO2x Gas Controller
- 2 cage capacity chamber
- Cleaning kit
- Fast O2 transition studies, such as chronic Intermittent Hypoxia in Animals
* Example given for illustrative purposes
**Dependent upon required O2 transition time required