Sorts bulk fasteners and presents them for pick up by an operator or robot tool. Screw presenter systems take over the counting and manipulation of bulk fasteners for manufacturers. The screws are dispensed to a pre-determined count or presented one at a time for use by an operator. The VPS system can be configured to handle extremely difficult fastener geometry. Screws are bulk loaded into the system supply hopper, and the machinery sorts, orients, and presents a single fastener for human or robot pick up. The Visumatic Advant-edge Advanced controls. Configured to fit your fastener and process needs. Longest remote blow distance on the market. The included standard feeder control package allow variable or fixed count dispensing. The feed process is initiated via on-board sensors or remotely via a PLC feed signal. Presenter Designs to Handle Many Fasteners: Screws * Nuts * Pins * Washers
Visumatic Industrial Products | |
Product Category | Parts Feeders |
Product Name | VPS Screw Presenter System |
Parts Fed | Screws, Nuts, Pins, Washers |