The Series 1000 Oscillator/Demodulat
ors provide complete electrical support for AC LVDTs. Working from an unregulated DC input, the modules generate a stable sinusoidal excitation voltage for the transducer. The LVDT’s secondary voltages are converted into DC voltage by the module’s phase sensitive demodulator. The demodulator has automatic phase synchronization which simplifies installation and setup by eliminating the need to make phase angle adjustments for each transducer. An active, three-pole filter in the final stage reduces output ripple while maximizing frequency response. Other features include zero and span controls, full encapsulation, threaded inserts for mounting, and self locking terminal strips.
The Series 1000 Oscillator/Demodulators provide complete electrical support for AC LVDTs. Working from an unregulated DC input, the modules generate a stable sinusoidal excitation voltage for the transducer. The LVDT’s secondary voltages are converted into DC voltage by the module’s phase sensitive demodulator. The demodulator has automatic phase synchronization which simplifies installation and setup by eliminating the need to make phase angle adjustments for each transducer. An active, three-pole filter in the final stage reduces output ripple while maximizing frequency response. Other features include zero and span controls, full encapsulation, threaded inserts for mounting, and self locking terminal strips.