Skyworks Solutions, Inc. DME, DMF, DMJ Series: Silicon Beam-Lead Schottky Mixer Diodes—Singles, Pairs and Quads Bondable and Packaged Chips DME2857-000

Skyworks beam-lead silicon Schottky barrier mixer diodes are designed for applications through 40 GHz. The beam-lead design reduces the problem of bonding to the very small area characteristic of the low capacitance junctions. Beam-lead Schottky barrier mixer diodes are made by the deposition of a suitable barrier metal on an epitaxial silicon substrate to form the junction. The process and choice of materials result in low series resistance with a narrow spread of capacitance values for close impedance control. A variety of forward voltages are available, ranging from low values for low, or starved, local oscillator drive levels to high values for high drive, low distortion mixer applications. Beam-lead diodes are available in a wide range of packages. Capacitance ranges and series resistances are comparable with the packaged devices that are available through K-band. Unpackaged diodes are well suited for use in microwave integrated circuits. The packaged devices are designed to be inserted as hybrid elements in strip, transmission line applications. Beam-lead Schottky barrier diodes are categorized by universal mixer applications in four frequency ranges: S, X, Ku and Ka bands. They may also be used as modulators and high-speed switches. Beam-lead diodes are suited for balanced mixers, due to their low parasitics and uniformity. A typical VF vs. IF curve is shown in Figure 1. Typical noise figures vs. LO drive is shown in Figure 2 for single N-type, low drive diode types. Features Low 1/f noise Low intermodulation distortion Epoxy and hermetically sealed packages SPC controlled wafer fabrication Applications Surveillance Systems Space Radar Instrumentation Electronic Warfare Avionics Military Communications
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DME, DMF, DMJ Series: Silicon Beam-Lead Schottky Mixer Diodes—Singles, Pairs and Quads Bondable and Packaged Chips - DME2857-000 - Skyworks Solutions, Inc.
Irvine, CA, United States
DME, DMF, DMJ Series: Silicon Beam-Lead Schottky Mixer Diodes—Singles, Pairs and Quads Bondable and Packaged Chips
DME, DMF, DMJ Series: Silicon Beam-Lead Schottky Mixer Diodes—Singles, Pairs and Quads Bondable and Packaged Chips DME2857-000
Skyworks beam-lead silicon Schottky barrier mixer diodes are designed for applications through 40 GHz. The beam-lead design reduces the problem of bonding to the very small area characteristic of the low capacitance junctions. Beam-lead Schottky barrier mixer diodes are made by the deposition of a suitable barrier metal on an epitaxial silicon substrate to form the junction. The process and choice of materials result in low series resistance with a narrow spread of capacitance values for close impedance control. A variety of forward voltages are available, ranging from low values for low, or starved, local oscillator drive levels to high values for high drive, low distortion mixer applications. Beam-lead diodes are available in a wide range of packages. Capacitance ranges and series resistances are comparable with the packaged devices that are available through K-band. Unpackaged diodes are well suited for use in microwave integrated circuits. The packaged devices are designed to be inserted as hybrid elements in strip, transmission line applications. Beam-lead Schottky barrier diodes are categorized by universal mixer applications in four frequency ranges: S, X, Ku and Ka bands. They may also be used as modulators and high-speed switches. Beam-lead diodes are suited for balanced mixers, due to their low parasitics and uniformity. A typical VF vs. IF curve is shown in Figure 1. Typical noise figures vs. LO drive is shown in Figure 2 for single N-type, low drive diode types. Features Low 1/f noise Low intermodulation distortion Epoxy and hermetically sealed packages SPC controlled wafer fabrication Applications Surveillance Systems Space Radar Instrumentation Electronic Warfare Avionics Military Communications

Skyworks beam-lead silicon Schottky barrier mixer diodes are designed for applications through 40 GHz. The beam-lead design reduces the problem of bonding to the very small area characteristic of the low capacitance junctions. Beam-lead Schottky barrier mixer diodes are made by the deposition of a suitable barrier metal on an epitaxial silicon substrate to form the junction. The process and choice of materials result in low series resistance with a narrow spread of capacitance values for close impedance control. A variety of forward voltages are available, ranging from low values for low, or starved, local oscillator drive levels to high values for high drive, low distortion mixer applications. Beam-lead diodes are available in a wide range of packages. Capacitance ranges and series resistances are comparable with the packaged devices that are available through K-band. Unpackaged diodes are well suited for use in microwave integrated circuits. The packaged devices are designed to be inserted as hybrid elements in strip, transmission line applications. Beam-lead Schottky barrier diodes are categorized by universal mixer applications in four frequency ranges: S, X, Ku and Ka bands. They may also be used as modulators and high-speed switches. Beam-lead diodes are suited for balanced mixers, due to their low parasitics and uniformity. A typical VF vs. IF curve is shown in Figure 1. Typical noise figures vs. LO drive is shown in Figure 2 for single N-type, low drive diode types.


    • Low 1/f noise
    • Low intermodulation distortion
    • Epoxy and hermetically sealed packages
    • SPC controlled wafer fabrication


  • Surveillance Systems
  • Space
  • Radar
  • Instrumentation
  • Electronic Warfare
  • Avionics
  • Military Communications
Supplier's Site Datasheet
RF Schottky Diode - DME2857-000 - Richardson RFPD
Geneva, IL, United States
RF Schottky Diode
RF Schottky Diode DME2857-000
DME, DMF, DMJ Series: Silicon Beam-Lead Schottky Mixer Diodes—Singles, Pairs and Quads Bondable and Packaged Chips

DME, DMF, DMJ Series: Silicon Beam-Lead Schottky Mixer Diodes—Singles, Pairs and Quads Bondable and Packaged Chips

Supplier's Site Datasheet
Discrete Semiconductor Products - Diodes - RF Diodes - DME2857-000 - Acme Chip Technology Co., Limited
Shenzhen, China
Discrete Semiconductor Products - Diodes - RF Diodes
Discrete Semiconductor Products - Diodes - RF Diodes DME2857-000


Supplier's Site

Technical Specifications

  Skyworks Solutions, Inc. Richardson RFPD Acme Chip Technology Co., Limited
Product Category Schottky Diodes RF Diodes RF Diodes
Product Number DME2857-000 DME2857-000 DME2857-000
Product Name DME, DMF, DMJ Series: Silicon Beam-Lead Schottky Mixer Diodes—Singles, Pairs and Quads Bondable and Packaged Chips RF Schottky Diode Discrete Semiconductor Products - Diodes - RF Diodes
VF 300 to 400 volts
Diode Type Schottky
Operating Frequency 2000 to 8000 MHz
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