The Model 1522 is an industrial-grade surface mount MEMS DC accelerometer with enhanced temperature performance and a low-cost design. Like the SDI Model 1521, it is designed for use between -55°C and +125°C, however, the Model 1522 has only half the bias and scale-factor temperature coefficients of the Model 1521. Each nitrogen-damped, hermetically sealed Model 1522 accelerometer undergoes individual temperature testing, programming, calibration, and verification within a climate chamber environment to ensure its improved performance in more temperature-intensiv
e applications. These features make the SDI Model 1522 ideal for applications characterized by large or rapid temperature fluctuations, or where particularly hot or cold operating temperatures persist over an extended period.
The Model 1522 is an industrial-grade surface mount MEMS DC accelerometer with enhanced temperature performance and a low-cost design. Like the SDI Model 1521, it is designed for use between -55°C and +125°C, however, the Model 1522 has only half the bias and scale-factor temperature coefficients of the Model 1521. Each nitrogen-damped, hermetically sealed Model 1522 accelerometer undergoes individual temperature testing, programming, calibration, and verification within a climate chamber environment to ensure its improved performance in more temperature-intensive applications. These features make the SDI Model 1522 ideal for applications characterized by large or rapid temperature fluctuations, or where particularly hot or cold operating temperatures persist over an extended period.