BU97981GU is a 1/4, 1/3duty or Static general-purpose LCD driver that can be used for consumer / battery operated products and can drive up to 196 LCD Segments.
It has integrated display RAM for reducing CPU load. Also, it is designed with low power consumption and no external component needed.
It can support up to 31 general-purpose outputs to control LED devices and can control 3ch LED driver that able to support LED PWM illumination.
Its small BGA package is well-suited for small footprint applications.
BU97981GU is a 1/4, 1/3duty or Static general-purpose LCD driver that can be used for consumer / battery operated products and can drive up to 196 LCD Segments. It has integrated display RAM for reducing CPU load. Also, it is designed with low power consumption and no external component needed. It can support up to 31 general-purpose outputs to control LED devices and can control 3ch LED driver that able to support LED PWM illumination.Its small BGA package is well-suited for small footprint applications.
ROHM Semiconductor GmbH | ROHM Semiconductor USA, LLC | |
Product Category | IC Interfaces | IC Interfaces |
Product Number | BU97981GU | BU97981GU |
Product Name | Low Duty LCD Segment Drivers | Low Duty LCD Segment Drivers |
Device Type | LCD Driver | LCD Driver |